Part 68 (1/2)

”The lord of that servant shall come in a day when he looketh not for him, and in an hour that he is not aware of,

”And shall cut him asunder, and appoint him his por- [10]

tion with the hypocrites.”

One mercilessly a.s.sails me for opposing the subtle lie, others charge upon me with full-fledged invective for, as they say, having too much charity; but neither moves me from the path made luminous by divine Love. [15]

In my public works I lay bare the ability, in belief, of evil to break the Decalogue,-to murder, steal, commit adultery, and so on. Those who deny my wisdom or right to expose error, are either willing partic.i.p.ants in wrong, afraid of its supposed power, or ignorant of it. [20]

The notion that one is covering iniquity by a.s.serting its nothingness, is a fault of zealots, who, like Peter, sleep when the Watcher bids them watch, and when the hour of trial comes would cut off somebody's ears. Such people say, ”Would you have me get out of a burning [25]

house, or stay in it?”

I would have you already out, and _know_ that you are out; also, to remember the Scripture concerning those who do evil that good may come,-”whose d.a.m.nation is just;” and that whoso departeth from divine Science, [30]

seeking power or good aside from G.o.d, has done himself harm.

[Page 336.]

Mind is supreme: Love is the master of hate; Truth, [1]

the victor over a lie. Hath not Science voiced this les- son to you,-that evil is powerless, that a lie is never true? It is your province to wrestle with error, to handle the serpent and bruise its head; but you cannot, as a [5]

Christian Scientist, resort to stones and clubs,-yea, to matter,-to kill the serpent of a material mind.

Do you love that which represents G.o.d most, His highest idea as seen to-day? No!

Then you would hate Jesus if you saw him personally, [10]

and knew your right obligations towards him. He would insist on the rule and demonstration of divine Science: even that you first cast out your own dislike and hatred of G.o.d's idea,-the beam in your own eye that hinders your seeing clearly how to cast the mote of evil out of [15]

other eyes. You cannot demonstrate the Principle of Christian Science and not love its idea: we gather not grapes of thorns, nor figs of thistles.

Where art thou?

Divine Science

What is it but another name for Christian Science, [21]

the cognomen of all true religion, the quintessence of Christianity, that heals disease and sin and destroys death! Part and parcel of Truth and Love, wherever one ray of its effulgence looks in upon the heart, behold [25]

a better man, woman, or child.

Science is the fiat of divine intelligence, which, h.o.a.ry with eternity, touches time only to take away its frailty.

That it rests on everlasting foundations, the sequence proves. [30]

[Page 337.]

Have I discovered and founded at this period Chris- [1]

tian Science, that which reveals the truth of Love,-is the question.

And how can you be certain of so momentous an affirmative? By proving its effect on yourself to be- [5]


What is the Principle and rule of Christian Science?