Part 63 (1/2)
Words Of Commendation
_Editor of The Christian Science Journal_:-Permit me to say that your editorial in the August number is _par_ _excellence_.
It is a digest of good manners, morals, methods, and [5]
means. It points to the scientific spiritual molecule, pearl, and pinnacle, that everybody needs. May the Christlikeness it reflects rest on the dear readers, and throw the light of penetration on the page; even as the dawn, kindling its glories in the east, lightens earth's [10]
I thank the contributors to _The Christian Science_ _Journal_ for their jewels of thought, so adapted to the hour, and without ill-humor or hyperbolic tumor. I was impressed by the articles ent.i.tled ”The New Pas- [15]
tor,” by Rev. Lanson P. Norcross, ”The Lamp,” by Walter Church, ”The Temptation,” a poem by J. J.
Rome, etc.
The field waves its white ensign, the reapers are strong, the rich sheaves are ripe, the storehouse is ready: pray [20]
ye therefore the G.o.d of harvest to send forth more laborers of the excellent sort, and garner the supplies for a world.
Church And School
Humbly, and, as I believe, divinely directed, I hereby [25]
ordain the Bible, and ”Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures,” to be hereafter the only pastor of
[Page 314.]
The Church of Christ, Scientist, throughout our land [1]
and in other lands.
From this date the Sunday services of our denomina- tion shall be conducted by Readers in lieu of pastors.
Each church, or society formed for Sunday wors.h.i.+p, [5]
shall elect two Readers: a male, and a female. One of these individuals shall open the meeting by reading the hymns, and chapter (or portion of the chapter) in the Bible, lead in silent prayer, and repeat in concert with the congregation the Lord's Prayer. Also, this First [10]
Reader shall give out any notices from the pulpit, shall read the Scriptures indicated in the Sunday School Les- son of the _Christian Science Quarterly_, and shall pro- nounce the benediction.
The First Reader shall read from my book, ”Science [15]
and Health with Key to the Scriptures,” alternately in response to the congregation, the spiritual interpreta- tion of the Lord's Prayer; also, shall read all the selec- tions from Science and Health referred to in the Sunday Lessons. [20]
The Reader of the Scriptures shall name, at each reading, the book, chapter, and verses. The Reader of ”Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures” shall commence by announcing the full t.i.tle of this book, with the name of its author, and add to this announcement, [25]
”the Christian Science textbook.” It is unnecessary to repeat the t.i.tle or page. This form shall also be observed at the Communion service; the selections from both the Bible and the Christian Science textbook shall be taken from the _Quarterly_, as heretofore, and this Lesson shall [30]
be such as is adapted to that service. On the first Sunday of each month, except Communion Sunday, a sermon
[Page 315.]
shall be preached to the children, from selections taken [1]
from the Scriptures and Science and Health, especially adapted to the occasion, and read after the manner of the Sunday service. The children's service shall be held on the Sunday following Communion Day. [5]
No copies from my books are allowed to be written, and read from ma.n.u.scripts, either in private or in pub- lic a.s.semblies, except by their author.
Christian Scientists, all over the world, who are let- terly fit and specially spiritually fitted for teachers, can [10]
teach annually three only. They shall teach from the Christian Science textbook. Each cla.s.s shall consist of not over thirty-three students, carefully selected, and only of such as have promising proclivities toward Christian Science. The teacher shall hold himself mor- [15]
ally obligated to look after the welfare of his students, not only through cla.s.s term, but after it; and to watch well that they prove sound in sentiment, health, and practical Christian Science.