Part 62 (1/2)
as holding in mind the consciousness of disease prevents the recovery of the sick.
Christian Science is taught through its divine Prin- ciple, which is invisible to corporeal sense. A material human likeness is the antipode of man in the image and [30]
likeness of G.o.d. Hence, a finite person is not the model for a metaphysician. I earnestly advise all Christian Scientists to remove from their observation or study
[Page 309.]
the personal sense of any one, and not to dwell in thought [1]
upon their own or others' corporeality, either as good or evil.
According to Christian Science, material personality is an error in premise, and must result in erroneous con- [5]
clusions. All will agree with me that material portraiture often fails to express even mortal man, and this declares its unfitness for fable or fact to build upon.
The face of Jesus has uniformly been so unnaturally delineated that it has turned many from the true con- [10]
templation of his character. He advances most in divine Science who meditates most on infinite spiritual sub- stance and intelligence. Experience proves this true.
Pondering on the finite personality of Jesus, the son of man, is not the channel through which we reach the [15]
Christ, or Son of G.o.d, the true idea of man's divine Principle.
I warn students against falling into the error of anti- Christ. The consciousness of corporeality, and what- ever is connected therewith, must be outgrown. Corporeal [20]
falsities include all obstacles to health, holiness, and heaven. Man's individual life is infinitely above a bodily form of existence, and the human concept an- tagonizes the divine. ”Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures,” on page 229, third and fourth para- [25]
graphs, elucidates this topic.(5)
My Christmas poem and its ill.u.s.trations are not a text- book. Scientists sometimes take things too intensely.
Let them soberly adhere to the Bible and Science and Health, which contain all and much more than they [30]
have yet learned. We should prohibit ourselves the
[Page 310.]
childish pleasure of studying Truth through the senses, [1]
for this is neither the intent of my works nor possible in Science.
Even the teachings of Jesus would be misused by sub- st.i.tuting personality for the Christ, or the impersonal [5]
form of Truth, amplified in this age by the discovery of Christian Science. To impersonalize scientifically the material sense of existence-rather than cling to per- sonality-is the lesson of to-day.
A Card
My answer to manifold letters relative to the return of members that have gone out of The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, is this: While my affec- tions plead for all and every one, and my desire is that all shall be redeemed, I am not unmindful that the Scrip- [15]
tures enjoin, ”Let all things be done decently and in order.”
To continue one's connection with this church, or to regain it, one must comply with the church rules. All who desire its fellows.h.i.+p, and to become members of it, [20]
must send in their pet.i.tions to this effect to the Clerk of the church; and upon a meeting being called, the First Members will determine the action of the church on this subject.
Overflowing Thoughts