Part 58 (1/2)

Rights that are bargained away must not be retaken by the contractors, except by mutual consent. Human nature has bestowed on a wife the right to become a mother; but if the wife esteems not this privilege, by mutual consent, exalted and increased affections, she [25]

may win a higher. Science touches the conjugal ques- tion on the basis of a bill of rights. Can the bill of con- jugal rights be fairly stated by a magistrate, or by a minister? Mutual interests and affections are the spirit of these rights, and they should be consulted, augmented, [30]

and allowed to rise to the spiritual alt.i.tude whence they can choose only good.

[Page 290.]

A third person is not a party to the compact of two [1]

hearts. Let other people's marriage relations _alone_: two persons only, should be found within their precincts.

The nuptial vow is never annulled so long as the animus of the contract is preserved intact. Science lifts humanity [5]

higher in the scale of harmony, and must ultimately break all bonds that hinder progress.

Judge Not

Mistaken views ought to be dissolving views, since whatever is false should disappear. To suppose that hu- [10]

man love, guided by the divine Principle, which is Love, is partial, unmerciful, or unjust, indicates misapprehen- sion of the divine Principle and its workings in the human heart.

A person wrote to me, naming the time of the occur- [15]

rence, ”I felt the influence of your thought on my mind, and it produced a wonderful illumination, peace, and understanding;” but, I had not thought of the writer at that time. I knew that this person was doing well, and my affections involuntarily flow out towards all. [20]

When will the world cease to judge of causes from a personal sense of things, conjectural and misapprehen- sive! When thought dwells in G.o.d,-and it should not, to our consciousness, dwell elsewhere,-one must bene- fit those who hold a place in one's memory, whether it [25]

be friend or foe, and each share the benefit of that radia- tion. This individual blessedness and blessing comes not so much from individual as from universal love: it emits light because it reflects; and all who are receptive share this equally. [30]

[Page 291.]

Mistaken or transient views are human: they are not [1]

governed by the Principle of divine Science: but the notion that a mind governed by Principle can be forced into personal channels, affinities, self-interests, or obliga- tions, is a grave mistake; it dims the true sense of G.o.d's [5]

reflection, and darkens the understanding that demon- strates above personal motives, unworthy aims and ambitions.

Too much and too little is attached to me as authority for other people's thoughts and actions. A tacit acqui- [10]

escence with others' views is often construed as direct orders,-or at least it so appears in results. I desire the equal growth and prosperity of all Christian Scien- tists, and the world in general; each and every one has equal opportunity to be benefited by my thoughts and [15]

writings. If any are not partakers thereof, this is not my fault, and is far from my desire; the possible per- version of Christian Science is the irony of fate, if the spirit thereof be lacking. I would part with a blessing myself to bestow it upon others, but could not deprive [20]

them of it. False views, however engendered, relative to the true and unswerving course of a Christian Scientist, will at length dissolve into thin air. The dew of heaven will fall gently on the hearts and lives of all who are found worthy to suffer for righteousness,-and have taught [25]

the truth which is energizing, refres.h.i.+ng, and consecrat- ing mankind.

To station justice and grat.i.tude as sentinels along the lines of thought, would aid the solution of this problem, and counteract the influence of envious minds or the mis- [30]

guided individual who keeps not watch over his emotions and conclusions.

[Page 292.]

New Commandment

The divinity of St. John's Gospel brings to view over- [1]

whelming tides of revelation, and its spirit is baptismal; he chronicles this teaching, ”A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another.” [5]