Part 57 (1/2)
This question is often proposed, How shall I treat malicious animal magnetism? The hour has pa.s.sed for this evil to be treated personally, but it should have been [15]
so dealt with at the outset. Christian Scientists should have gone personally to the malpract.i.tioner and told him his fault, and vindicated divine Truth and Love against human error and hate. This growing sin must now be dealt with as evil, and not as an evil-doer or per- [20]
sonality It must also be remembered that neither an evil claim nor an evil person is _real_, hence is neither to be _feared_ nor honored.
Evil is not something to fear and flee before, or that becomes more real when it is grappled with. Evil let [25]
alone grows more real, aggressive, and enlarges its claims; but, met with Science, it can and will be mastered by Science.
I deprecate personal animosities and quarrels. But if one is intrusted with the rules of church government, to [30]
fulfil that trust those rules must be carried out; thus it is with all moral obligations. I am opposed to all personal
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attacks, and in favor of combating evil only, rather than [1]
An edition of one thousand pamphlets I ordered to be laid away and not one of them circulated, because I had been personal in condemnation. Afterwards, by a [5]
blunder of the gentleman who fills orders for my books, some of these pamphlets were mistaken for the corrected edition, and sold.
Love is the fulfilling of the law. Human life is too short for foibles or failures. _The Christian Science Jour-_ [10]
_nal_ will hold high the banner of Truth and Love, and be impartial and impersonal in its tenor and tenets.
It was about the year 1875 that Science and Health first crossed swords with free-love, and the latter fell _hors_ [15]
_de combat_; but the whole warfare of sensuality was not then ended. Science and Health, the book that cast the first stone, is still at work, deep down in human conscious- ness, laying the axe at the root of error.
We have taken the precaution to write briefly on mar- [20]
riage, showing its relation to Christian Science. In the present or future, some extra throe of error may conjure up a new-style conjugality, which, _ad libitum_, severs the marriage covenant, puts virtue in the shambles, and coolly notifies the public of broken vows. Springing [25]
up from the ashes of free-love, this nondescript phoenix, in the face and eyes of common law, common sense, and common honesty, may appear in the _role_ of a superfine conjugality; but, having no Truth, it will have no past, present, or future. [30]
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The above prophecy, written years ago, has already [1]
been fulfilled. It is seen in Christian Science that the gospel of marriage is not without the law, and the solemn vow of fidelity, ”until death do us part;” this verity in human economy can neither be obscured nor throttled. [5]
Until time matures human growth, marriage and progeny will continue unprohibited in Christian Science. We look to future generations for ability to comply with absolute Science, when marriage shall be found to be man's one- ness with G.o.d,-the unity of eternal Love. At present, [10]
more spiritual conception and education of children will serve to ill.u.s.trate the superiority of spiritual power over sensuous, and usher in the dawn of G.o.d's creation, wherein they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels. To abolish marriage at this period, [15]
and maintain morality and generation, would put inge- nuity to ludicrous s.h.i.+fts; yet this is possible in _Science_, although it is to-day problematic.
The time cometh, and now is, for spiritual and eternal existence to be recognized and understood in Science. [20]
All is Mind. Human procreation, birth, life, and death are subjective states of the human erring mind; they are the phenomena of mortality, nothingness, that illus- trate mortal mind and body as _one_, and neither real nor eternal. [25]
It should be understood that Spirit, G.o.d, is the only creator: we should recognize this verity of being, and shut out all sense of other claims. Until this absolute Science of being is seen, understood, and demonstrated in the offspring of divine Mind, and man is perfect even [30]
as the Father is perfect, human speculation will go on, and stop at length at the spiritual ultimate: creation
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understood as the most exalted divine conception. The [1]
offspring of an improved generation, however, will go out before the forever fact that man is eternal and has no human origin. Hence the Scripture: ”It is He that hath made us, and not we ourselves;” and the Master's de- [5]
mand, ”Call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven.”