Part 40 (2/2)

It develops individual capacity, increases the intellectual activities, and so quickens moral sensibility that the great demands of spiritual sense are recognized, and they [20]

rebuke the material senses, holding sway over human consciousness.

By purifying human thought, this state of mind per- meates with increased harmony all the minutiae of human affairs. It brings with it wonderful foresight, wisdom, [25]

and power; it unselfs the mortal purpose, gives steadi- ness to resolve, and success to endeavor. Through the accession of spirituality, G.o.d, the divine Principle of Christian Science, literally governs the aims, ambition, and acts of the Scientist. The divine ruling gives prudence [30]

and energy; it banishes forever all envy, rivalry, evil thinking, evil speaking and acting; and mortal

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mind, thus purged, obtains peace and power outside of [1]


This practical Christian Science is the divine Mind, the incorporeal Truth and Love, s.h.i.+ning through the mists of materiality and melting away the shadows called sin, [5]

disease, and death.

In mortal experience, the fire of repentance first sepa- rates the dross from the gold, and reformation brings the light which dispels darkness. Thus the operation of the spirit of Truth and Love on the human thought, [10]

in the words of St. John, ”shall take of mine and show it unto you.”

_Third:_ The baptism of Spirit, or final immersion of human consciousness in the infinite ocean of Love, is the last scene in corporeal sense. This omnipotent act drops [15]

the curtain on material man and mortality. After this, man's ident.i.ty or consciousness reflects only Spirit, good, whose visible being is invisible to the physical senses: eye hath not seen it, inasmuch as it is the disembodied in- dividual Spirit-substance and consciousness termed in [20]

Christian metaphysics the ideal man-forever permeated with eternal life, holiness, heaven. This order of Science is the chain of ages, which maintain their obvious corre- spondence, and unites all periods in the divine design.

Mortal man's repentance and absolute abandonment of [25]

sin finally dissolves all supposed material life or physical sensation, and the corporeal or mortal man disappears forever. The enc.u.mbering mortal molecules, called man, vanish as a dream; but man born of the great Forever, lives on, G.o.d-crowned and blest. [30]

Mortals who on the of time learn Christian Science, and live what they learn, take rapid transit to

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heaven,-the hinge on which have turned all revolu- [1]

tions, natural, civil, or religious, the former being servant to the latter,-from flux to permanence, from foul to pure, from torpid to serene, from extremes to intermediate.

Above the waves of Jordan, das.h.i.+ng against the receding [5]

sh.o.r.e, is heard the Father and Mother's welcome, saying forever to the baptized of Spirit: ”This is my beloved Son.” What but divine Science can interpret man's eternal existence, G.o.d's allness, and the scientific inde- structibility of the universe? [10]

The advancing stages of Christian Science are gained through growth, not accretion; idleness is the foe of progress. And scientific growth manifests no weakness, no emasculation, no illusive vision, no dreamy absentness, no insubordination to the laws that be, no loss nor lack [15]

of what const.i.tutes true manhood.

Growth is governed by intelligence; by the active, all-wise, law-creating, law-disciplining, law-abiding Prin- ciple, G.o.d. The real Christian Scientist is constantly accentuating harmony in word and deed, mentally and [20]

orally, perpetually repeating this diapason of heaven: ”Good is my G.o.d, and my G.o.d is good. Love is my G.o.d, and my G.o.d is Love.”

Beloved students, you have entered the path. Press patiently on; G.o.d is good, and good is the reward of all [25]

who diligently seek G.o.d. Your growth will be rapid, if you love good supremely, and understand and obey the Way-shower, who, going before you, has scaled the steep ascent of Christian Science, stands upon the mount of holiness, the dwelling-place of our G.o.d, and bathes in the [30]

baptismal font of eternal Love.

As you journey, and betimes sigh for rest ”beside the
