Part 41 (1/2)
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still waters,” ponder this lesson of love. Learn its pur- [1]
pose;and in hope and faith, where heart meets heart reciprocally blest, drink with me the living waters of the spirit of my life-purpose,-to impress humanity with the genuine recognition of practical, operative Christian [5]
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”Thy Will Be Done”
This is the law of Truth to error, ”Thou shalt surely die.” This law is a divine energy. Mortals cannot prevent the fulfilment of this law; it covers all sin and its effects. G.o.d is All, and by virtue of this nature and [5]
allness He is cognizant only of good. Like a legislative bill that governs millions of mortals whom the legislators know not, the universal law of G.o.d has no knowledge of evil, and enters unconsciously the human heart and governs it. [10]
Mortals have only to submit to the law of G.o.d, come into sympathy with it, and to let His will be done. This unbroken motion of the law of divine Love gives, to the weary and heavy-laden, rest. But who is willing to do His will or to let it be done? Mortals obey their own [15]
wills, and so disobey the divine order.
All states and stages of human error are met and mastered by divine Truth's negativing error in the way of G.o.d's appointing. Those ”whom the Lord loveth He chasteneth.” His rod brings to view His love, and inter- [20]
prets to mortals the gospel of healing. David said, ”Be- fore I was afflicted I went astray: but now have I kept Thy word.” He who knows the end from the be-
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ginning, attaches to sin due penalties as its antidotes and [1]
Who art thou, vain mortal, that usurpest the preroga- tive of divine wisdom, and wouldst teach G.o.d not to punish sin? that wouldst shut the mouth of His prophets, [5]
and cry, ”Peace, peace; when there is no peace,”-yea, that healest the wounds of my people slightly?
The Principle of divine Science being Love, the divine rule of this Principle demonstrates Love, and proves that human belief fulfils the law of belief, and dies of its own [10]
physics. Metaphysics also demonstrates this Principle of cure when sin is self-destroyed. Short-sighted physics admits the so-called pains of matter that destroy its more dangerous pleasures.
Insomnia compels mortals to learn that neither obliv- [15]
ion nor dreams can recuperate the life of man, whose Life is G.o.d, for G.o.d neither slumbers nor sleeps. The loss of gustatory enjoyment and the ills of indigestion tend to rebuke appet.i.te and destroy the peace of a false sense. False pleasure will be, is, chastened; it has no [20]
right to be at peace. To suffer for having ”other G.o.ds before me,” is divinely wise. Evil pa.s.sions die in their own flames, but are punished before extinguished. Peace has no foothold on the false basis that evil should be concealed and that life and happiness should still attend [25]
it. Joy is self-sustained; goodness and blessedness are one: suffering is self-inflicted, and good is the master of evil.
To this scientific logic and the logic of events, egotism and false charity say, ” 'Not so, Lord;' it is wise to [30]
cover iniquity and punish it not, then shall mortals have peace.” Divine Love, as unconscious as incapable of
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error, pursues the evil that hideth itself, strips off its [1]
disguises, and-behold the result: evil, uncovered, is self-destroyed.
Christian Science never healed a patient without prov- ing with mathematical certainty that error, when found [5]
out, is two-thirds destroyed, and the remaining third kills itself. Do men whine over a nest of serpents, and post around it placards warning people not to stir up these reptiles because they have stings? Christ said, ”They shall take up serpents;” and, ”Be ye therefore [10]
wise as serpents and harmless as doves.” The wisdom of a serpent is to hide itself. The wisdom of G.o.d, as revealed in Christian Science, brings the serpent out of its hole, handles it, and takes away its sting. Good deeds are harmless. He who has faith in woman's special adapt- [15]