Part 21 (1/2)
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The sensitive, sorrowing saint thinks too much of it: the [1]
sordid sinner, or the so-called Christian asleep, thinks too little of sin.
To allow sin of any sort is anomalous in Christian Scientists, claiming, as they do, that good is infinite, All. [5]
Our Master, in his definition of Satan as a liar from the beginning, attested the absolute powerlessness-yea, nothingness-of evil: since a lie, being without founda- tion in fact, is merely a falsity; spiritually, literally, it _is nothing_. [10]
Not to know that a false claim is false, is to be in danger of believing it; hence the utility of knowing evil aright, then reducing its claim to its proper denominator,- n.o.body and nothing. Sin should be conceived of only as a delusion. This true conception would remove mortals' [15]
ignorance and its consequences, and advance the second stage of human consciousness, repentance. The first state, namely, the knowledge of one's self, the proper knowledge of evil and its subtle workings wherein evil seems as real as good, is indispensable; since that which [20]
is truly conceived of, we can handle; but the misconcep- tion of what we need to know of evil,-or the concep- tion of it at all as something real,-costs much. Sin needs only to be known for what it is not; then we are its master, not servant. Remember, and act on, Jesus' [25]
definition of sin as a _lie_. This cognomen makes it less dangerous; for most of us would not be seen believing in, or adhering to, that which we know to be untrue.
What would be thought of a Christian Scientist who be- lieved in the use of drugs, while declaring that they have [30]
no intrinsic quality and that there is no matter? What should be thought of an individual believing in that
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which is untrue, and at the same time declaring the unity [1]
of Truth, and its allness? Beware of those who mis- represent facts; or tacitly a.s.sent where they should dis- sent; or who take me as authority for what I disapprove, or mayhap never have thought of, and try to reverse, in- [5]
vert, or controvert, Truth; for this is a sure pretext of moral defilement.
Examine yourselves, and see what, and how much, sin claims of you; and how much of this claim you admit as valid, or comply with. The knowledge of evil that [10]
brings on repentance is the most hopeful stage of mortal mentality. Even a mild mistake must be seen as a mis- take, in order to be corrected; how much more, then, should one's sins be seen and repented of, before they can be reduced to their native nothingness! [15]
Ignorance is only blest by reason of its nothingness; for seeing the need of somethingness in its stead, blesses mortals. Ignorance was the first condition of sin in the allegory of Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden. Their mental state is not desirable, neither is a knowledge of [20]
sin and its consequences, repentance, _per se_; but, ad- mitting the existence of both, mortals must hasten through the second to the third stage,-the knowledge of good; for without this the valuable sequence of knowledge would be lacking,-even the power to escape from the [25]
false claims of sin. To understand good, one must discern the nothingness of evil, and consecrate one's life anew.
Beloved brethren, Christ, Truth, saith unto you, ”Be not afraid!”-fear not sin, lest thereby it master you; but only _fear to sin_. Watch and pray for self-knowledge; [30]
since then, and thus, cometh repentance,-and your superiority to a delusion is won.
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Repentance is better than sacrifice. The costly balm [1]
of Araby, poured on our Master's feet, had not the value of a single _tear_.
Beloved children, the world has need of you,-and more as children than as men and women: it needs your [5]
innocence, unselfishness, faithful affection, uncontami- nated lives. You need also to watch, and pray that you preserve these virtues unstained, and lose them not through contact with the world. What grander ambition is there than to maintain in yourselves what Jesus loved, and to [10]
know that your example, more than words, makes morals for mankind!
Address Before The Alumni Of The Ma.s.sachusetts Metaphysical College, 1895
_My Beloved Students_:-Weeks have pa.s.sed into [15]
months, and months into years, since last we met; but time and s.p.a.ce, when encompa.s.sed by divine presence, do not separate us. Our hearts have kept time together, and our hands have wrought steadfastly at the same object-lesson, while leagues have lain between us. [20]
We may well unite in thanksgiving for the continued progress and unprecedented prosperity of our Cause. It is already obvious that the world's acceptance and the momentum of Christian Science, increase rapidly as years glide on. [25]
As Christian Scientists, you have dared the perilous de- fense of Truth, and have succeeded. You have learned how fleeting is that which men call great; and how per- manent that which G.o.d calls good.
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