Part 20 (1/2)

precludes the presence of evil. This verity annuls the tes- [1]

timony of the senses, which say that sin is an evil power, and substance is perishable. Intelligent Spirit, Soul, is substance, far more impregnable and solid than matter; for one is temporal, while the other is eternal, the ultimate [5]

and predicate of being.

Mortality, materiality, and destructive forces, such as sin, disease, and death, mortals virtually name _substance_; but these are the substance of things _not_ hoped for. For lack of knowing what substance is, the senses say vaguely: [10]

”The substance of life is sorrow and mortality; for who knoweth the substance of good?” In Science, form and individuality are never lost, thoughts are outlined, indi- vidualized ideas, which dwell forever in the divine Mind as tangible, true substance, because eternally conscious. [15]

Unlike mortal mind, which must be ever in bondage, the eternal Mind is free, unlimited, and knows not the temporal.

Neither does the temporal know the eternal. Mortal man, as mind or matter, is neither the pattern nor Maker [20]

of immortal man. Any inference of the divine derived from the human, either as mind or body, hides the actual power, presence, and individuality of G.o.d.

Jesus' personality in the flesh, so far as material sense could discern it, was like that of other men; but Science [25]

exchanges this human concept of Jesus for the divine ideal, his spiritual individuality that reflected the Im- manuel, or ”G.o.d with us.” This G.o.d was not outlined.

He was too mighty for that. He was eternal Life, infinite Truth and Love. The individuality is embraced in Mind, [30]

therefore is forever with the Father. Hence the Scrip- ture, ”I am a G.o.d at hand, saith the Lord.” Even while

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his personality was on earth and in anguish, his individual [1]

being, the Christ, was at rest in the eternal harmony.

His unseen individuality, so superior to that which was seen, was not subject to the temptations of the flesh, to laws material, to death, or the grave. Formed and gov- [5]

erned by G.o.d, this individuality was safe in the substance of Soul, the substance of Spirit,-yea, the substance of G.o.d, the one inclusive good.

In Science all being is individual; for individuality is endless in the calculus of forms and numbers. Herein [10]

sin is miraculous and supernatural; for it is not in the nature of G.o.d, and good is forever good. Accord- ing to Christian Science, perfection is normal,-not miraculous. Clothed, and in its right Mind, man's individuality is sinless, deathless, harmonious, eternal. [15]

His materiality, clad in a false mentality, wages feeble fight with his individuality,-his physical senses with his spiritual senses. The latter move in G.o.d's grooves of Science: the former revolve in their own orbits, and must stand the friction of false selfhood until self- [20]


In obedience to the divine nature, man's individuality reflects the divine law and order of being. How shall we reach our true selves? Through Love. The Prin- ciple of Christian Science is Love, and its idea represents [25]

Love. This divine Principle and idea are demonstrated, in healing, to be G.o.d and the real man.

Who wants to be mortal, or would not gain the true ideal of Life and recover his own individuality? I will love, if another hates. I will gain a balance on the side of [30]

good, my true being. This alone gives me the forces of G.o.d wherewith to overcome all error. On this rests the

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implicit faith engendered by Christian Science, which [1]

appeals intelligently to the facts of man's spirituality, in- dividuality, to disdain the fears and destroy the discords of this material personality.

On our Master's individual demonstrations over sin, [5]

sickness, and death, rested the anathema of priesthood and the senses; yet this demonstration is the foundation of Christian Science. His physical sufferings, which came from the testimony of the senses, were over when he resumed his individual spiritual being, after showing [10]

us the way to escape from the material body.

Science would have no conflict with Life or common sense, if this sense were consistently sensible. Man's real life or existence is in harmony with Life and its glorious phenomena. It upholds being, and destroys the too [15]

common sense of its opposites-death, disease, and sin.

Christian Science is an everlasting victor, and vanquish- ment is unknown to the omnipresent Truth. I must ever follow this line of light and battle.