Part 3 (1/2)
wake from his delusion to suffer for his evil intent; to [1]
find that, though thwarted, its punishment is tenfold.
Love is the fulfilling of the law: it is grace, mercy, and justice. I used to think it sufficiently just to abide by our State statutes; that if a man should aim a ball at [5]
my heart, and I by firing first could kill him and save my own life, that this was right. I thought, also, that if I taught indigent students gratuitously, afterwards a.s.sisting them pecuniarily, and did not cease teachi ing the wayward ones at close of the cla.s.s term, but [10]
followed them with precept upon precept; that if my instructions had healed them and shown them the sure way of salvation,-I had done my whole duty to students.
Love metes not out human justice, but divine mercy.
If one's life were attacked, and one could save it only [15]
in accordance with common law, by taking another's, would one sooner give up his own? We must love our enemies in all the manifestations wherein and whereby we love our friends; must even try not to expose their faults, but to do them good whenever opportunity [20]
occurs. To mete out human justice to those who per- secure and despitefully use one, is not leaving all retribu- tion to G.o.d and returning blessing for cursing. If special opportunity for doing good to one's enemies occur not, one can include them in his general effort to benefit the [25]
race. Because I can do much general good to such as hate me, I do it with earnest, special care-since they permit me no other way, though with tears have I striven for it. When smitten on one cheek, I have turned the other: I have but two to present. [30]
I would enjoy taking by the hand all who love me not, and saying to them, ”_I_ love _you_, and would not know-
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ingly harm you.” _Because_ I thus feel, I say to others: [1]
Hate no one; for hatred is a plague-spot that spreads its virus and kills at last. If indulged, it masters us; brings suffering upon suffering to its possessor, through- out time and beyond the grave. If you have been badly [5]
wronged, forgive and forget: G.o.d will recompense this wrong, and punish, more severely than you could, him who has striven to injure you. Never return evil for evil; and, above all, do not fancy that you have been wronged when you have not been. [10]
The present is ours; the future, big with events.
Every man and woman should be to-day a law to him- self, herself,-a law of loyalty to Jesus' Sermon on the Mount. The means for sinning unseen and unpunished have so increased that, unless one be watchful and stead- [15]
fast in Love, one's temptations to sin are increased a hundredfold. Mortal mind at this period mutely works in the interest of both good and evil in a manner least understood; hence the need of watching, and the danger of yielding to temptation from causes that at former [20]
periods in human history were not existent. The action and effects of this so-called human mind in its silent argu- ments, are yet to be uncovered and summarily dealt with by divine justice.
In Christian Science, the law of Love rejoices the heart; [25]
and Love is Life and Truth. Whatever manifests aught else in its effects upon mankind, demonstrably is not Love.
We should measure our love for G.o.d by our love for man; and our sense of Science will be measured by our obedience to G.o.d,-fulfilling the law of Love, doing good to all; [30]
imparting, so far as we reflect them, Truth, Life, and Love to all within the radius of our atmosphere of thought.
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The only justice of which I feel at present capable, [1]
is mercy and charity toward every one,-just so far as one and all permit me to exercise these sentiments toward them,-taking special care to mind my own business.
The falsehood, ingrat.i.tude, misjudgment, and sharp [5]
return of evil for good-yea, the real wrongs (if wrong can be real) which I have long endured at the hands of others-have most happily wrought out for me the law of loving mine enemies. This law I now urge upon the solemn consideration of all Christian Scientists. Jesus [10]
said, ”If ye love them which love you, what thank have ye? for sinners also love those that love them.”
Christian Theism.
Scholastic theology elaborates the proposition that evil is a factor of good, and that to believe in the reality [15]
of evil is essential to a rounded sense of the existence of good.