Part 2 (1/2)

ter. That man is the idea of infinite Mind, always perfect in G.o.d, in Truth, Life, and Love, is something not easily accepted, weighed down as is mortal thought with mate- rial beliefs. That which never existed, can seem solid substance to this thought. It is much easier for people [30]

to believe that the body affects the mind, than that the mind affects the body.

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We hear from the pulpits that sickness is sent as a [1]

discipline to bring man nearer to G.o.d,-even though sickness often leaves mortals but little time free from complaints and fretfulness, and Jesus cast out disease as evil. [5]

The most of our Christian Science pract.i.tioners have plenty to do, and many more are needed for the ad- vancement of the age. At present the majority of the acute cases are given to the M. D.'s, and only those cases that are p.r.o.nounced incurable are pa.s.sed over to [10]

the Scientist. The healing of such cases should cer- tainly prove to all minds the power of metaphysics over physics; and it surely does, to many thinkers, as the rapid growth of the work shows. At no distant day, Christian healing will rank far in advance of allopathy [15]

and h.o.m.opathy; for Truth must ultimately succeed where error fails.

Mind governs all. That we exist in G.o.d, perfect, there is no doubt, for the conceptions of Life, Truth, and Love must be perfect; and with that basic truth we con- [20]

quer sickness, sin, and death. Frequently it requires time to overcome the patient's faith in drugs and mate- rial hygiene; but when once convinced of the uselessness of such material methods, the gain is rapid.

It is a noticeable fact, that in families where laws [25]

of health are strictly enforced, great caution is observed in regard to diet, and the conversation chiefly confined to the ailments of the body, there is the most sickness.

Take a large family of children where the mother has all that she can attend to in keeping them clothed and fed, and health is generally the rule; whereas, in small families of one or two children, sickness is by no means

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the exception. These children must not be allowed to [1]

eat certain food, nor to breathe the cold air, because there is danger in it; when they perspire, they must be loaded down with coverings until their bodies become dry,-and the mother of one child is often busier than [5]

the mother of eight.

Great charity and humility is necessary in this work of healing. The loving patience of Jesus, we must strive to emulate. ”Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself” has daily to be exemplified; and, although [10]

skepticism and incredulity prevail in places where one would least expect it, it harms not; for if serving Christ, Truth, of what can mortal opinion avail? Cast not your pearls before swine; but if you cannot bring peace to all, you can to many, if faithful laborers in His [15]


Looking over the newspapers of the day, one naturally reflects that it is dangerous to live, so loaded with disease seems the very air. These descriptions carry fears to many minds, to be depicted in some future time upon [20]

the body. A periodical of our own will counteract to some extent this public nuisance; for through our paper, at the price at which we shall issue it, we shall be able to reach many homes with healing, purifying thought.

A great work already has been done, and a greater work [25]

yet remains to be done. Oftentimes we are denied the results of our labors because people do not understand the nature and power of metaphysics, and they think that health and strength would have returned natu- rally without any a.s.sistance. This is not so much from [30]

a lack of justice, as it is that the _mens populi_ is not suffi- ciently enlightened on this great subject. More thought

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is given to material illusions than to spiritual facts. If [1]

we can aid in abating suffering and diminis.h.i.+ng sin, we shall have accomplished much; but if we can bring to the general thought this great fact that drugs do not, cannot, produce health and harmony, since ”in Him [5]

[Mind] we live, and move, and have our being,” we shall have done more.”

Love Your Enemies.

Who is thine enemy that thou shouldst love him? Is it a creature or a thing outside thine own creation? [10]

Can you see an enemy, except you first formulate this enemy and then look upon the object of your own conception?

What is it that harms you? Can height, or depth, or any other creature separate you from the Love that is omnipresent good,-that blesses infinitely [15]

one and all?