166 Chapter 166 : The Talks!!! (1/2)
While Gabriel didn't speak much or you could say she only spoke with her beautiful eyes shining as she kept pulling the sleave of Haoh, she suddenly narrowed her eyes...
Not only her but everyone felt the sudden spike in Haoh's body making the shocked and before the could say anything they heard a melodious voice speaking up...
Gabriel : You got stronger from me??
It was a few words that perfectly drew everyone as Haoh placed his hand in her head and started petting her beautiful hair...
He didn't answer her questions and actually posed a question on his own...
Haoh : Do you want to go where i promised??
Seeing that his denial in her question was a bit rude she didn't mind as it was also rude to ask him how exactly he became stronger...
Going back on his question she nodded her head and in front of everyone as they watched him closely especially Michael who was worried, he snapped his fingers and Gabriel vanished in front of everyone's eyes...
Ajuka : This??
Sirzechs : Ajuka you figured something out??
Ajuka : Instantly he formed more than 1000 formations around Gabriel and then she teleported away...
Haoh : Oh?? More than 1000??
Ajuka : Wait?? You didn't know??
Haoh : I only know the Chant for the formations to activate by sending or retrieving someone...
Haoh : My master created this and parted me with the way to activate it, although i snapped my fingers in my mind i simply chanted the words...
Haoh : Seeing you were able to see 1000 formations, my master was right you are a genius and the Chief Advisor for the Technology Department and the creator of the Evil Pieces system which birthed the Rating Games...
Haoh snapped his fingers again and Gabriel returned back with her eyes glittering and her aura changed somehow...
She turned to look at Haoh and then pointed at herself as if asking was that all for me??