165 Chapter 165 : Luring Gabriel!!! (1/2)

DxD System In DxD Seion 15910K 2022-07-19

Serafall : Ehh... You are also the Sekiryuutei of the Two Heavenly Dragons??

Grayfia : Since when??

Azazel : Hahahahahaha, interesting...

Sirzechs : And instead of fighting as greetings, he is pissed for getting contantly bugged...

Haoh : Ddraig, that's kinda rude...

Akari (Ddraig) : But i was sleeping until this guy sent his voice-over...

Haoh : Fine, fine... I would have been pissed if someone waked me up as well...

Although he shrugged it off, many of the sweated as they knew what he could pull off with his unique skills...

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Michael : So, let's move on shall we...

Michael : You asked to bring my little sister here what for??

Just as Michael spoke from behind him a head popped up and slowly made her appearance...

Earlier he couldn't see Gabriel completely as Michael was in front but now he could see that she has the appearance of an extremely beautiful woman with curly blonde hair and a voluptuous figure.

He could see her wearing a white dress that had blonde and silver threads running from her sleaves towards her back uniting and forming flowers...

He knew she is known as the most beautiful woman in Heaven and he had to admit even rumours can't catch her true beauty, she seems so innocent that will follow you where ever you go or do...

Haoh : Then i will enter the point directly...

Haoh : Gabriel-chan, would you like to see a new world and play endlessly in there??

Hearing his words many people had their eyes twitch and even Michael had some reservations about what he heard... On the contrary, to himself, his sister interest was piqued and looked at Haoh waiting to hear the rest...

Haoh : You can also learn a few new things there that will depend on you to try them...

Haoh kept talking about the new things she could see and everything that might attract her while trying to avoid tempting her into sin, as both her and Michael will realise it...

As she kept hearing more and more like a child who was awe by those things suddenly let go of Michael's robe and went to touch the arm of Haoh shocking everyone...

When she did, It was like the system recognised her consent to go in one of the spaces and alarmed Haoh about a few notifications...

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Name : Haoh Yorion