Chapter 297: A Bully (1/2)
Chapter 297: A Bully
Translator: OneshotwonderEditor: Hitesh_
Wang Tong smiled satisfyingly as he enjoyed the benefit of having Zhou Sisi around—free maid service.
After Zhou Sisi was gone, Wang Tong found it hard to sleep as he suddenly realized how bad his injury was. Some of the wounds almost reached his bones. Although he didn't feel much pain while fighting, as he lied down, he found the pain had made it hard for him to relax.
”Come out Charcoal, talk to me!”
”Yes master, what do you want to talk about?”
”Do you know any bedtime stories? ”
”Yes. A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, there was a service robot called R2Charcoal...”
Soon, the room was filled with Wang Tong's snoring. Being able to fall asleep as quickly as possible was a prerequisite of being a competent fighter.
Meanwhile, somewhere else on earth, someone was suffering from insomnia.
In a lavishly decorated room, a girl curled up into a ball at one corner. Ever since she arrived home, she had felt a warm and fussy feeling rise inside her. She also sensed something else amidst the warmth and fuzziness, something that she had never felt before—a gentle caress on her heart by a pair of warm hands
”Tenderheartedness is poison for success.” Li Ruoer repeated to herself.
As the heir to the House Li, she needed only a pragmatic mind and a cold heart; there was no place for kindhearted sentiments. Only ruthlessness could make a formidable warrior.
She knew that her father wanted her to behave like a warrior instead of a girl, and help him in reasserting House of Li's control over the world. Although House of Li appeared to be prospering, its influence had been shrinking to just a fraction of what it had been during the time of General Li Feng. So much so that members of the House of Li constantly felt that they were living in disgrace.
Li Ruoer had grown up watching her brother's training under her father's unforgiving methods. Some of the disturbing scenes that she had seen had haunted her childhood. Time, at last, had not only made her get used to the harsh training, but had also twisted her mind and molded her into a cold-hearted power-monger.
She had never seen her father smile once, not even when she tried to please him by subjecting herself to the training of inhuman intensity. It was never good enough for him.
However, Li Ruoer never gave up, and finally, her father had noticed her efforts and started to regard her approvingly. All she wanted to do was to please her father. Therefore, although her father never smiled at her, nor did he verbally acknowledged her hard work, his approving look was enough to make Li Ruoer feel happy.
Later, when Ma Xiaoru visited House of Li with her parents, Li Ruoer's eyes were green with envy at the sight of the amiable Ma family. Ma Xiaoru was living a life of her dreams: her parents always wore a smile in front of her, and everyone could tell that Ma Xiaoru's father cared about her more than anything in the world.
She hated Ma Xiaoru for having what she didn't, and she was convinced that Ma Xiaoru would never understand her. While Ma Xiaoru was enjoying a colorful childhood, all that Li Ruoer had was the Tactics of the Enchantress and Rosy.
Hatred and jealousy fueled her motivation to be stronger than Ma Xiaoru, and therefore, she became even more devoted to her training.
However, tonight, she had tasted defeat for the first time. What bothered her the most, in addition to her frustration, was the fact that she had forgotten about the number one rule of being an Enchantress: be ruthless, as she had worried about her enemy’s life.
Wang Tong was surprised that Li Ruoer had left with the visiting students without causing any more troubles. As calm and quietness started to set in, the first phase of the tournament, the fleet combat, was about to begin.
Any student could represent their academy in the battle, and therefore, it also became a testing ground for the overall fleet combat abilities of different academies.
DREAM provided the simulation platform. It was an excellent opportunity for the company’s PR campaigns, since all the major news outlets had pledged to follow all stages of the Fleet Combat closely. In recent years, the fleet combat had increased popularity against the predominant METAL combat due to its unique focus on the battle of wits. Since the soul energy was not a determining factor, the members of the great houses did not have the huge advantage like they would in METAL combat. The reward for having an excellent fleet combat skill was enticing as well, since the rank of a fleet commander was very high in the navy.
Ordinary students wouldn't think so much about the potential benefits of winning the tournament, since in addition to having fun, they just wanted to use the stage to prove themselves.