Chapter 296: Score Settled (1/2)

Chapter 296: Score Settled

Translator: OneshotwonderEditor: Hitesh_

Wang Tong was wholly engrossed in attacks and started to overlook defense. He charged up GN force to his fist and hewed at Li Ruoer with abandon. The GN force ignited the air and released a blaring sound. Li Ruoer did not flinch, as she calmly blocked the attack with the blade. The impact forced the two warriors to break the engagement.

Wang Tong cracked a smiled and licked the blood off his right hand. He admired the blade for its power, as he did not expect to get hurt while his hand was charged fully with GN force. The taste of the blood triggered a flood of memory rushing into Wang Tong's mind.

Li Ruoer gathered herself and examined the body of Rosy to make sure there was no damage. She was shocked by Wang Tong's strength, as she was convinced that her strike should have been able to chop Wang Tong's arm off. However, it seemed that Rosy was only able to graze the boy's skin.

”Wang Tong, you are full of surprises. However, our fight ends here. You will be the first person to have seen the Enchantress's coup de grace!” Li Ruoer announced with unswerving confidence.

Li Ruoer's confidence piqued Wang Tong's interest as he wondered what the enchantress's coup de grace would look like.

Wang Tong watched as Li Ruoer set the blade about her waist, and the index and middle finger of the other hand pressed lightly on its mid-upper section. Wang Tong noticed Li Ruoer's eyes start to give off a faint purple luster, which was gaining intensity by the second. Without sensing any wind, Wang Tong was surprised to see the Enchantress's hair being tossed around and getting disheveled by some unseen force.

Suddenly, a strange light appeared at where Li Ruoer's two fingers had rested.

”Shit! It was a light of a sword aura formation.” Fear came over Wang Tong as soon as he saw the deadly light.

Li Ruoer's soul energy had already crept quietly up to three hundred. This was her real energy level, and it was unmatched by any fighter of her generation. However, the soul energy was not what set her apart from the others.

”Enchantress's Song!”

Li Ruoer's dream-like voice hummed a tune as the strange light at her fingertip expanded into thousands of sharp rays of blade aura. As if commanded by Li Ruoer's humming, these deadly blade aura flew to Wang Tong.

Wang Tong's body tensed up as he marveled at such peculiar method of using one's soul energy.

At the sight of the deadly coup de grace, Wang Tong did not waver; instead, he became even more excited.

In a blink, these blade auras intertwined to formed thirty shimmering aura blades. They lined up in a rotating circle, each blade seeming to have a thousand facet, as a thousand lights bounced off of its surface. It turned the sword formation into a splendid display of both deadliness and astonishing beauty, a fitting combination as the coup de grace of the Enchantress.

Wang Tong opened up his sea of consciousness as the golden soul energy spilled out into his hands. Wang Tong would not dodge the incoming attack; instead, he was determined to face it head-on. He could have sneaked in a cheap attack while Li Ruoer was charging up her sword formation. However, the yearning to test the Enchantress's ultimate power had prevented Wang Tong from doing so.

All thirty-six aura blades had landed at their mark and exploded. The thirty-six explosions rattled the building as an avalanche of plaster fell off from the ceiling. Behind Wang Tong, a giant hole appeared from the immense force of the blade aura.

The purple luster faded as Li Ruoer regained some of her conscience at the sight of the havoc she had wreaked. She didn't mean to kill Wang Tong after all, and for a second, Li Ruoer was worried for Wang Tong's safety.

As Li Ruoer was unnerved by the potential death of Wang Tong at her hands, she heard a blast from a pile of cement and concrete and then saw Wang Tong walk out from the explosion with a golden light in his eyes.

As Li Ruoer locked her eyes onto Wang Tong's, she immediately lost her consciousness.

It was the soul energy override, an ability Wang Tong had learned from Mr. Wannabe in the crystal space.

The key to performing the soul energy override was to synchronize one's soul energy wave with that of the opponent. Wang Tong was just hit by Li Ruoer's soul energy blades, so the memory was fresh. Hence, the synchronization was easily achievable.

Having gained temporary control of Li Ruoer's sea of consciousness, Wang Tong searched it using his own soul energy while hungrily absorbing its power. As soon as he reached the bottom of Li Ruoer's soul energy, he was shocked by the complexity and intricacy.

After a few moments, Wang Tong was ready to pull his soul energy out. He couldn't sustain the connection for too long, since Li Ruoer was a high-level fighter who possessed exceptional soul energy defenses. He had succeeded in overriding her soul energy only because she had lowered her guard due to her concern for Wang Tong's life.

Before he left the enchantress's consciousness, Wang Tong paused and decided to take a final look at the real form of the enchantress. He eventually found her in a corner, but instead of a teenage girl, he saw only a little girl curling in on herself. Helplessness and loneliness were written all over her face.

”Is this really Li Ruoer?” Wang Tong was shocked.