Part 11 (1/2)
”Nor I, for another,” added Monroe.
So said half a dozen others.
”Well, what are you going to do about it?” demanded Adler. ”Here we are, and we can't get ash.o.r.e.”
”Perhaps we can,” said Wilton, as he led the way to a retired part of the deck, where they could talk without being overheard. ”Did any one ever hear of such a thing as keeping the fellows on board on the Fourth of July? Why, every little Greek in the city yonder has his liberty on that day; and we are to be cooped up here like a parcel of sick chickens! I suppose we shall have to recite history and French, and shake out topsails, as usual.”
”It's outrageous. I don't believe the fellows will stand it,” added Adler, who did not know how bad the case was, until it had been rehea.r.s.ed by Wilton, who, in the absence of Shuffles, had become the leader of a certain clique on board, given to taking opposite views.
”But I don't see what we can do,” said Monroe.
”We will do something. I won't stand it. If I stay on board the s.h.i.+p to-morrow, it will be as a prisoner,” answered Wilton.
”It's a hard case; but what can we do about it?” asked Sanborn.
”Suppose we go to Lowington, and state the case to him,” suggested Adler.
”What's the use of that? Of course the first lieutenant spoke by the card. He had his orders to say what he did, and I'm sure they came from Lowington.”
”There can be no doubt of that; but it would be better to have it from him.”
”I'm willing to ask Lowington for the day, if the fellows want me to do so; but it won't do any more good than it would to bark at the mainmast,” continued Wilton. ”I have an idea in my head, if the fellows will stand by me,” he added, in a lower tone, as he looked over the rail at the swinging boom, to which the boats in constant use were made fast.
”What is it?” asked Monroe, eagerly.
”Keep shady, for a while. How many fellows can we muster?”
”I don't know.”
”Well, don't stir the matter yet. Here comes Lowington and we will talk to him first. Come, fellows, let's make a dive at him.”
Wilton, attended by his companions, walked up to the, as he was going forward. Touching his cap respectfully, as the discipline of the s.h.i.+p required, he opened the case.
”Mr. Lowington, some of the students would like to go on sh.o.r.e to-morrow, to celebrate the Fourth. Can't we have liberty?”
”You know the rule; you should apply to the first lieutenant for leave of absence,” replied Mr. Lowington.
”We have, sir, and been refused.”
”Then there is nothing more to be said. The first lieutenant speaks with authority.”
”I beg your pardon, sir, but are we to stay on board all day to-morrow?”
”That is certainly the arrangement, Wilton.”
”Some of us would like to celebrate the day, sir, and we think it is rather hard to be obliged to do duty on the Fourth of July.”
”I intend to have the day celebrated in a proper manner. I have made preparations for a gala day on board.”
”If you please, sir, we would rather go on sh.o.r.e.”