Part 10 (1/2)

Outward Bound Oliver Optic 27290K 2022-07-22

”Of course all the fellows wouldn't join you.”

”We could put those ash.o.r.e somewhere who did not agree with us.”

”You know the penalty of mutiny on the high seas.”

”Bah!” said Shuffles, contemptuously. ”It would be nothing but it lark.

No one would think of hanging us, or even sending us to prison for it.

My father is rich enough to get me out of any”

”So is mine; but I don't think it would be quite safe to go into a mutiny.”

”Not yet, my dear fellow. You can think it over.”

”But I'm tired of this kind of a life. I liked it first rate in the beginning. Do you think Lowington really intends to go to sea with the s.h.i.+p?”

”I know he does.”

”If he don't go pretty soon, I shall run away, and go to sea in earnest.”

”Don't say a word about the mutiny at present, Wilton. By and by, if things go right, or if they don't go right, we may want to take some stock in such an enterprise.”

”I don't see it yet, but of course I shall keep still.”

It is doubtful whether even so daring a young man as Shuffles, who had the temerity to do almost anything, seriously contemplated getting up a mutiny. Very likely his untamed and vicious imagination had revelled in such an enterprise; had pictured the delights of the rover's life at sea; but a boy of ordinary common sense could hardly think of engaging in such a mad scheme.

The last week of June, with which month ended the first school term on board of the Young America, was devoted to examinations and reviews in all the studies for which extra marks were given. On the last day the instructors made up the merit lists, and on the morning of the 1st of July all hands were mustered, and the result declared. Most of the officers, all of whom had studied with unremitting diligence in order to retain their positions, were reinstated in their offices. The third lieutenant, however, fell out, having failed in his reviews, and to the astonishment of all, Robert Shuffles was found to be ent.i.tled to the place. The first and second lieutenants exchanged ranks, and Paul Kendall fell to the position of second master. Three of the tenants of the after cabin were compelled to move into the steerage, and three of the crew were transferred to the officers' quarters.

Many were disappointed, and perhaps some were disheartened, for the compet.i.tion had been a severe struggle; and as much depended upon natural ability as upon energy and perseverance. But the Young America was a world by herself. She had all the elements of society within her wooden walls, and success and failure there followed the same rules as in the great world of which she was an epitome.

After the officers had been duly installed in their positions, the petty offices were given to those having the highest number of marks among the crew. It was certainly democratic for the late third lieutenant to become captain of the foretop, and for a second master to become c.o.xswain of the professors' barge; but these young gentlemen, though disappointed, submitted with a good grace to their misfortune.

The student having the highest number of marks among the crew was allowed to have the first choice of berths in the steerage; the one having the next highest number had the second choice, and so on, until all the numbers had been appropriated. At the conclusion of the reorganization, Mr. Lowington made a speech, ”comforting the mourners,”

and reminding all the students that, on the 1st of October, there would be another distribution of the places of honor. He hoped those who had failed to attain what they aspired to reach would not be discouraged, for, after all, they had been gaining knowledge, and thus the real end of the school had been reached.

”How about the mutiny?” said Wilton to the new third lieutenant, when both were off duty in the evening.

”It won't pay just now,” replied Shuffles, with great good humor.

”I suppose not,” sneered Wilton, who had not even won a petty office.

”What would Lowington say if he knew the third lieutenant talked of getting up a mutiny on board?”

”What would he say?” repeated Shuffles, who was as much surprised at the high rank he had gained as his companion had been.

”Yes; what would he say if I should tell him of it?”

”He would say you were a mean pup for telling tales out of school; at least, he ought to say so, and I think he would. Lowington is a pretty good fellow, after all.”