Part 2 (1/2)


Cast on with No. 18 pins, and a middling-sized silk, of which you require four skeins; make a st.i.tch, take one off, knit one, and slip the previous one over this.


Cast on one hundred and forty five st.i.tches with cruels, of which you require six skeins for one bag; two yards of ribbon, and two and a half of another colour, to bind the ring; six different shades, and fourteen rows of each colour in the plain st.i.tch of knitting; the centre double the number of rows.


Cast on thirty-six st.i.tches, scarlet German wool; two rows of red; sixteen rows of white; narrow, by taking two together, on the seventeenth and twenty-first rows; knit thirteen more rows, then divide the st.i.tches into three, viz.:--ten, twelve, and ten: knit twenty rows on the middle needle, which has the twelve st.i.tches, and bind, or cast them off; take up the front, as you would a stocking heel, and make twelve st.i.tches beyond; knit two rows narrowing at the toe, every other row; this is to be repeated six times, and then at the heel, still narrowing the same in front, till you have only sixteen st.i.tches which bind off, take up the red st.i.tches in front, catching one white one each time, till the other side is like the first; you may introduce open st.i.tches on the instep, and round the leg.


Cast on thirty-six loops on the two first pins, and forty-eight on the other; knit two plain rounds one purl, three plain, six plain, with the thread brought forward, two plain, one purl, one plain, fifteen plain, one plain, one purl, one purl narrowing one, eleven plain, slip one, knit one, pa.s.s it over, one plain, one purl, one plain, narrow once, seven plain, slip one, knit one, pa.s.s it over.


Cast on one hundred and three st.i.tches for the first six rounds; knit two, and purl two, then one row, every st.i.tch turned; twenty-four purl, taking in one on each side the seam, eight purl, take in again, eight purl, and take in; then twelve purl, and increase; which must be done by making a st.i.tch on each side the seam; three purl, and increase again, three purl, and increase again, fourteen purl, take in, three purl, take in; do this until you have taken in sixteen times; twenty purl; set the heel by dividing the st.i.tches, when there will be, if correct, thirty-five for the heel, and thirty-six for the instep; knit nineteen, purl the twentieth, purl under two st.i.tches beyond the seam, on the wrong side, and take two together; this do on each side, till you have taken up all, to each end, when there will remain seven st.i.tches on your pin, take up the st.i.tches, and in the third row, make a st.i.tch; in every third st.i.tch in the next round, take two st.i.tches together, where the instep and heel join, do this every other round, till you have reduced the heel st.i.tches to the same number you have on your instep pin; forty-four rounds plain, take in on each side the heel and instep, leaving two st.i.tches between; knit two rounds, take in the same again, this do six times, then take in every other round five times, two rounds every time, when you will have twenty-three or twenty-four st.i.tches remaining, which cast off.


Cast on eight st.i.tches; slip the first, make one, knit two together, put in a piece of cotton or wool on the left hand needle, knit one st.i.tch, bring the ends in front, and knit another, put them back, and knit the remainder, the next row plain, except the st.i.tch you put the piece in, take three all together.


Cast on fifty-six st.i.tches, with black wool; knit ten rows coloured, ten black, ten coloured, ten black; increase sixteen ribs on each side; after the increasing is finished, knit three rows ribbed, with coloured wool; thirty-seven rows of black; these ought to be done in three-thread fleecy, and fine pins.



Cast on one hundred and forty st.i.tches; knit six rows plain, knitting four on each pin plain, and purl, twelve rows of double knitting, twenty-four rows narrowing at the end, in double knitting, eight rows plain knitting, and cast off.


Cast on one hundred and five st.i.tches, ribbing five, and knitting five; knit six rows, and begin double, knitting four at each end plain, of which knit thirty-two rows, and then narrow off at each end six times, knit six rows plain, and cast off; double this in the middle, gather up about three nails, and st.i.tch a string in front beyond the ribbed purl.


For this you require six ounces of eight-thread fleecy, and two pair of pins, No. 1 and No. 10, by the Eagle gauge. Cast on sixty st.i.tches on the fine pins, and knit six rows, knitting two, and purling two st.i.tches; then take the larger sized one, and knit thirty rows, putting the wool twice round the pin; then another piece but only twenty-six rows, and the third only eighteen rows. Commence always in this manner, with the fine pins, join them altogether at the part which is ribbed, and put it on a string.


Cast on one hundred st.i.tches on No. 10 pins, with No. 4 cotton, and knit one plain row (pattern). _First row_--purled. _Second row_--cotton forward, and take two together. _Third row_--purled. _Fourth row_--plain, with No. 2 pins, cotton twice over the pins; repeat these four rows until the square is complete; sew every six threads of the large row tightly together in the centre, with scarlet German wool, fastening off each six securely and separately; then knit any fringe you may fancy, and join it on.