Part 1 (1/2)
The New Guide to Knitting & Crochet.
by Marie Jane Cooper.
I venture to publish THE NEW GUIDE TO KNITTING AND CROCHET, believing it will prove both instructive and amusing to those Ladies, whose taste leads them to such pursuits. The Auth.o.r.ess being practically acquainted with these Arts, she warrants them correct, and trusts they will meet with a favourable reception by the Public, and be found a useful appendage to every work-table.
HASTINGS, January 1847.
Nine shades of wool used double, or double Berlin, either in shades of sable or chinchilli, look best. Cast on sixty st.i.tches, knit three plain rows with the darkest shade; in the fourth row seam two st.i.tches together; pa.s.s the wool round, seam two together; pa.s.s the wool round, seam two together, and so on till the end of the row. Join on the next shade, and knit three plain rows. In the fourth row, seam two together; pa.s.s the wool round, and seam two together the same as before; continue in this manner knitting three plain rows and an open row of each shade, until the ninth of white. Only knit two plain rows; this will reverse the shades: join the second lightest shade, and knit one plain row and one open row; two plain rows; continue knitting one plain row, one open row, and two plain rows of each shade; it will then correspond in appearance with the other side; then sew the two edges together, and let the join come in the centre of the wrong side, and it will look as though knit double.
Cast on each needle forty-five st.i.tches, fifteen for each pattern.
_First round_--pa.s.s the thread in front, purl two, knit one, taking the back part of the loop; purl two, slip one, knit one, and bring the slipped st.i.tch over the last knit, knit six, bring the thread forward; knit one; continue this till the round is completed. _Second round_--thread before, purl two, knit one, taking the back part of the loop; purl two, slip one, and cast the slipped over; knit the remaining st.i.tches plain; in the first row you have increased one st.i.tch in every fifteen; the second brings them to the original number; knit these rounds alternately, making the holes (which occur in every alternate row) one st.i.tch sooner each time, _i. e._, knitting five, then four, then three, then two, then one, instead of six st.i.tches, and plain to the purled st.i.tches, then commence as before.
Begin with about twenty st.i.tches on one needle, and with the other knit two or three plain rows; next row knit six plain, purl eight, knit the remainder plain; knit the next row plain, and so on for twelve rows; next row, when the right side is towards you, after knitting the first six st.i.tches plain, take a third needle, and slip off four st.i.tches, and keep them behind till you have knit the next four; then knit them; this forms the twist; then knit the remaining six plain; knit the next row plain, and so on for twelve rows; then repeat the twist.
VANd.y.k.e BORDER.
Cast on nine st.i.tches, slip one, knit one, bring the thread forward, and knit two together for three times, thread forward, knit one, purl the next row; repeat these two rows alternately, increasing one plain st.i.tch each time in the fancy row, until you have eighteen st.i.tches; to decrease the point, slip the first, knit two together, bring the thread forward, and knit two together for four times, until it is reduced to nine st.i.tches; every alternate row is purled.
Needles No. 20, and No. 34, Boar's-head cotton. Cast on thirty-four st.i.tches, knit four plain rows. _Fifth row_--knit two, slip one, knit one, pa.s.s the slipt one over the knitted one, bring the thread forward, knit one, thread forward, knit one, thread forward, purl one, and so on to the end of the row. Commence the next row by slipping one, and continue as before, till you come to the end of the row, where you will have two plain st.i.tches left, which are to be knit; continue with these rows alternately, until the cuff is long enough for the wrist, then cast off the st.i.tches, and edge it with narrow Valenciennes lace, or with the Vand.y.k.e edging.
Cast on fifty st.i.tches coloured wool, knit eight rows, knitting and purling alternate rows, and twisting each st.i.tch; five rows of coloured, and four of white wool, knit loosely on small ivory pins, for the edge.
Cast on seventy-two st.i.tches in the Brioche st.i.tch, which is done by bringing the wool forward; slip one st.i.tch off underneath, and knit two together, coloured wool, and knit one row, besides the casting-on row, white wool, knit four times from end to end; and then leave six st.i.tches each time, till you have formed one gore; twice and back with coloured wool; and then another white gore; fourteen white gores, and finish with one coloured row; and then cast off. Border for the lower end, with an open scollop: run one string round the row of holes, and another string in a few st.i.tches lower to form the waist; the Brioches are done in the same manner; but twelve gores, and each different colours; you cast on sixty st.i.tches instead of seventy-two: six oz. white, and two coloured four-thread fleecy, or double Berlin wool, is enough for cape and border.