61 Dead fucked by a giant snake (1/2)

Showtime Thoko 47190K 2022-07-22

Laila kept his eyes fixed on the ram man with beating breath.

His torch illuminated the devil's face.

His body was completely hairless.

Her face was wide open, a huge snake protruding from her mouth.

Laila forced himself to look closely.

That was not a snake, that was the work of a perverted artist.

His huge, steep masculinity was tattooed like a snake.

The sheds shone in black, green and gold.

The artist had presented the snake with an open mouth, from which the penis tip protruded like a thick, pink tongue.

On the top, Laila saw regular bumps that gave the snake a dragon-like appearance.

Round structures, probably bullets, had been implanted under the skin.

Laila looked horrified at the huge penis.

This size and thickness could not possibly have been created by Mother Nature.

Laila estimated the length to at least 30 centimetres. T

he girth reminded her of the grip of a tennis racket.

The ram man threw the torch away and stepped between her legs.

Lola held Laila's arms bent back painfully.

Two men stepped on Laila's sides and pushed her knees outward.

Laila lowered her chin to her chest and took a deep breath.

She greedily drew the smell of the sticky substance that was spread across her body into her lungs.

”Beam away, she thought in panic, this is not going to be a walk.”

The stuff did its work.

When Laila raised her head, the ram man in all its awesomeness felt incredibly desirable to her.

She gazed longingly at the huge snake, which stuck out stiffly from the devil's mouth.

The ram man began to let the snake slide through his hollow hand, pushing his tip between Laila's labia.

Laila groaned and moved her hips forward, fascinated as she looked at the pattern of the coloured scales.

The ram man put a hand between Laila's legs.

She saw strong fingers, their long curved nails sharpened front pointed.

He eased his nails gently over Laila's sensitive skin.

The blood was rushing in her ears.

Her body ached with desire.

The ram man leaned over her.

He ran his ten claws over Laila's breasts and scored the skin bloody.

The mask hovered over Laila's face.

He opened his mouth, Laila saw the sharp teeth and a long, split tongue, which he held out to her.

Despite the painful position, Laila pressed her breasts towards her and groaned relish, as the split tongue slid over her nipples.

The snake felt hot and pulsing on her stomach.

”God, that thing lives.”

She would much rather have felt the snake elsewhere.

The ram raised his head.

Barely audible, he whispered, ”Let her go.”

Lola and the two men obeyed.

The ram man straightened up and looked down at Laila .


”Take me,” moaned Laila.

He enclosed the snake with his hand and led her between her legs.

The blood of the ram and the liquid from the shell acted like a lubricant.

Laila groaned with pleasure and pain as he slowly but surely penetrated her.

She felt the bullets under his skin.

When he was completely inside her, Lailacame for the first time.

The first time he pulled away from her and pushed her hard, the second time.

Every time he hit, she came again.

He started bumping faster and Laila saw golden dots behind her closed eyelids, she kept coming back to the rhythm of the snapping snake.

The crowd had resumed their speech.

Laila drifted against the monotonous murmur of increasingly violent, prolonged orgasms.

She opened her eyes and only vaguely saw the hovering ram mask over her face.

In the slits of the mask, she saw bright red eyes peering down at her coldly and mercilessly.

He bared his pointed teeth and spilled them into her at least three times without giving in to her throbbing hardness.

Laila's muscles cramped, her orgasms were painful, her body protested overloaded.

At the back of her head a steel ring lay and slowly closed.

The chanting became faster and louder.

The ram man thrust harder and harder into her.

The pressure on the back of her head became unbearable.

Soon her head would burst like an overripe melon.

'Dead fucked by a giant snake—there are worse ways to die.' Laila slid into painless darkness and heard demonic laughter.

The ram man, the crowd or the uninvited guest in her head, Laila could not say it.


”Why, why all those innocent kids?” Laila tried not to yell at him.

Summersby looked gravely at the destruction at his feet.

”Because they are so wonderful, so beautiful and pure, the perversion is not in my actions, the perversion lies in time, and in what time makes of them, turning them into deceitful, greedy, envious monsters Time bends their cells, they become old, ugly, sick - decaying. I stop this process. In the prime of their innocent beauty, I preserve their supernatural charisma, their healthy bodies, their unspoiled spirit. ”

”You kill her.”

”An act of mercy, I spare them heartache, release them from the burden of responsibility ...”

Laila interrupted him angrily.

”You are robbing them of their lives.”

”What do you know about life?” Summersby growled back.

”Enough not to murder uselessly.”

Laila disgusted Summersby's arrogance.

”Oh yes, how was that again, how do you earn your money?” T

he arrogance in his voice made her face flush with anger.

Or was it shame that flamed over her cheeks? Unerringly, Summersby had put his finger in the wound.