60 nightmare (1/2)

Showtime Thoko 10780K 2022-07-22

Nervously, Summersby pulled a large, white lace scarf from his jacket and wiped the drops of sweat from his forehead.

”What do you want?” His voice was high and squeaky.

But Laila was not about to be fooled once more by his harmless form.

Once he had taken her by surprise.

And that he was by no means harmless, witnessed by the bodies of girls and boys behind him.

”I have your book.”

Summersby looked around frantically.


”We negotiate.”

Summersby sneered.

”Do you think you could tell me that you would just go like that and not tell anyone what you found here? ”

He bared his teeth.

”You, you ... why are you after me, is your daughter or son with you?”

His hand waggled over the chaos of extremities at an angle behind him.

Laila got into the conversation, maybe he let himself be lured out of the reserve.

”All these children are my children.”


”If you think ...”

”Where is the book?”


”Give it to me!”

Laila laughed coldly.

”We negotiate.”

Summersby took a step toward Laila.

Laila jerked against Danielle's body.

Immediately there was panic in Summersby's cunning pig's eye.

”Gently, gently ...” soothingly he raised his palms.