Chapter 5 (1/2)
s.h.i.+nde Hajimaru Chapter 5
The lesson about magic in chapter 4 taught me that I made some mistakes in earlier chapters, like Status is a spell, not magic.
Seriously... aren't they the same?...
Anyway, this is the new chapter.
Magic training
“We are doing some magic training.”
It was the day after I found out the reason behind my coma. It was 4 in the morning and I was still sleeping. The temptation of diving deeper into the blanket was stronger than ever, and suddenly my mother plunge herself into my room and said that (the destroyed door and wall was repaired my onii-chan, furthermore, onee-chan strengthened them. How could they do that?)
All the sudden again... what happened...? Can't you see that I'm still sleeping...
“Wake up, quickly. And you are using polite tone again, inside your heart!”
“Why are you reading my thought... can you really read it?!”
Because of the sleepiness, I accidentally used polite tone again. And just like usual, my astonishment toward mother drove away all the sleepiness.
“Who cares about that. Anyway, I have a reason to wake you up.”
“I do care...but you probably won't tell me anyway... So what is the reason?”
“This is for you to be able to walk, Alice.”
“What...did you say?”
“This is for you to be able to walk, Alice.”
Able … to... walk? Me...? Eh, but...
“Didn't my status showed that my strength is 1 yesterday? And beside that, the permanent weakness... And wasn't growth correction FFF mean that it will never change no matter how much I try...? How will I be able to walk with that...? I was really shocked, but still, I prepared my mind to accept the truth...”
Even if it was only a day.
Actually, I tried. Yesterday, mother talked about my situation with everyone else, and after taking me to my bed, she returned to her room tiredly. Alone, I killed my voice and cried continuously... “All after being given a new life, it turns out that I can never stand up...”. I was in despair... and now... is there still any hope left?
“Don't worry, you will be able to walk properly. With your quant.i.ty of magic power, you will be able to even run, and wield a sword if you want to. As a top cla.s.s magician of this country, I can guarantee it.”
She said so while looking at me with heated eyes, then she embraced me gently.
“You can do it.”
Activities that every normal person can do, the me in this world can never achieve it. That thought drove me into despair once. But now, hearing that I can be normal, there is no happiness surpa.s.s how I feel now.
“...Mother... I want to stand up, I want to run, I want to swing a sword. Can you help me?”
“Isn't that obvious? I wanted to do so from the start.”
I cried myself out yesterday, but now again I found myself able to shed tears. But these are not tear of desperation, they are from the joy of hope. I cried within the warmth of mother, while listening to her heartbeat...
“I'm fine now. Thank you, mother.”
“Don't be that polite, we are a family.”
“Hmm, that's right. We are family!”
Until I stop crying, mother embraced me without saying anything more. I think I can understand the meaning of “a real family” now. Hey! I did think about everyone as family members, you know? But, after suddenly being reincarnated, thinking people I never acquainted to now as “real family”, that was kinda impossible to me... Eh? I'm good at making excuses? Fine... I'm sorry, I'm reflecting my action...
“Now, after getting Alice to cry cutely in my chest, let's do some magic training!”
“....Mother, really.... Hmm, please teach me.”
“Oh, and I'm calling Elise to join too. That child is also used to magical energy, so let's have you two training together.”
“Eh? Elise never received magic training before?”
“That's right. She doesn't have high apt.i.tude toward magic. But instead, her physical abilities are abnormally high for a 4 years old girl... For now she is mainly receiving sword lessons to train her strength. But still, it's not like she doesn't have any apt.i.tude for magic at all. The enchant magic we will have you learning today is also essential for close range fighting, so let's have her join in too.
Now thinking about that, Alice and Elise is completely opposite of each other, isn't it...? Alice is a genius when it come to magic, and physical ability for Elise. According to father, Elise has natural talent for martial arts. What's more, she has the apt.i.tude for wind element, which is suitable for close combat... Elise's traits are completely of a muscle brain, isn't it?”
This mother is saying something terribly cruel to her own daughter... She may collapse if she could hear it, you know...
“A...anyway! Even for a swordman, being able to use magic will be convenient. I'm having her to train with you today. So wait here, I will go wake her up.”
So she was satisfied with her made-up reason... Well, that's fine though.
While waiting, I looked at my status in the free time.
“By my command, I look at myself. Status: Skills, Spells - Arts”
○ Skills
· All attributes magic apt.i.tude
· Spirit magic (all) (10/10)
· Ultra magic power (10/10)
· Holy magic (0/10) - unique
· Monster taming (EX) - unique
· Sharing (link) (EX) - unique - twins
· Magic power fast recovery (10/10)
· Language knowledge (EX) - unique
○ Spells - Arts
· Spirit magic
· Self-healing
· Taming
· Five senses sharing - twins
· Magic power sharing - twins
· Telepathy - twins
· Injury sharing - twins
Hmm... 'All attributes magic apt.i.tude' just as its meaning. 'Spirit magic'... mother explained that yesterday. 'Ultra magic power'...well, as the name dictated...
Next is... 'Holy magic'? Is there anyway for me to look at its detail...
· Holy art → The unique ability to use Holy art (Unique skill). The user can cast recovery spells.
Oh, I could see it. This is truly a convenient spell.
Anyway, about this 'unique skill'... it did say unique. Does that mean no one else have it?
Unique skill → There is only one person in the world becomes the owner of such a skill. If the owner dies, the right to own the skill is transferred to the next owner. It's not depended on bloodline to transfer. The new owner that has the apt.i.tude receive the skill since birth.
Oh! I can even use it this way?! Wonderful! Just like Wi*ipedia!
Thanks for your kindness.
!?! J...just now, did it... No! I shouldn't think about it, I shouldn't think about it! That was my imagination, imagination. Perfectly imagination. Nothing else but imagination. Yes, that was my imagination.
Now, after come back to myself, let's look at the next one. 'Taming'... maybe just as the name's meaning. It's an unique skill too. Well, let's give it a look.
Monster taming → unique ability to use magical beast. Different from using familiar, can be used with powerful magical beasts. Similar skill 'Familiar taming' is only able to command lower grade magical beasts. Monster taming is effective with high level magical beast. Furthermore, to a certain level, exchanging thought with monster is possible, this ability has various restrictions.
!? This is... With this I can have a whole fluffy paradise!!!! Hah...hah...guhehe...
Wait! What am I thinking!... anyway, next one!
Sharing (Link) → Highest rank of twin abilities. Only two people in the world possess this skill. n.o.body other than twin with perfect compatibility can possess this. Twin characteristic.
Oh!! So this is saying Elise and me has perfect compatibility, isn't it?
Look at the Spells - Arts section, there are quite a lot of twin arts! That seems really convenient... I will try to talk about this with Elise later!♪
(There is no need to, onee-chan.)
“!?!?!? What's that?! Where did that voice come from just now?! Elise, where are you!?”
(Calm down! Onee-chan, you are too loud!
Did you think about me when controlling your magical energy? If you do that, we can talk to each other.)
(Yes! As expected from my onee-chan. Mother even said that your talent to magic is just like of a genius!♪ )
(I...I'm not a genius at all! I just imagined it like talking on telephone.)
(Ehmm... It's nothing significant, don't mind it please.)
(You are so strange, onee-chan. Well, anyway, this is what you just mumbled about, 'Telepathy'! How is it?! Cool, isn't it! Actually the moment you opened your eyes, I tried to talk to you like this, but you didn't know about controlling magical energy at that time, or maybe you didn't know what magic was, so we couldn't connected.)
(Did you try to talk to me in telepathy? It felt indeed like I was listening to your voice.)
So the noise at that time was Elise calling me. I thought I was making things up.
(Hmm, I tried.
For we to listen to each others' voice is thank to 'Five senses sharing' being used now. 'Magic power sharing' invoked allow this conversation of us to consume only onee-chan's MP and not mine. The consumption rate is pretty high for me ~ This spell decreases MP every second. With my MP, can't maintain it properly!)
(Does that mean you can link to me without my consent?!)
(No, it's not like that. The protection of your mind is awesome anyway.
Earlier you thought strongly about linking with me, didn't you? Because of that, if I also invoke the spell, then we will be connected. Convenient, but a little ambiguous, isn't it?
Oh, and by the way, 'Telepathy' can be activated one-way. If both of us do that then it's no different from talking right now.)
(I see... Let's leave the topic about you can use my MP freely later... Mother is coming to get you, did she get there?)
(Yes, now we are about to reach your room. Just a little more, wait for me.)