Chapter 4 (1/2)
s.h.i.+nde Hajimaru Chapter 4
This chapter contains lot of explanation. It's necessary for the story, I guess... But still, I want cuteness!!
Spell and magic
“Mother, can you tell me about this hero? ”
“Eh? No, about your Status...”
“Please ~! (upturned eyes)”
“Hah... okay then... Hmm, about the hero who invented Status spell, right? There is one thing I have to tell you first, about the people called heroes... Hero is a t.i.tle for a person summoned to this world from another world.”
“Is that so? Is there a purpose for what they are being summoned? If they are called hero because they are summoned into this world without any specific aim, then being summoned is enough to be called hero?”
“You spotted an interesting point. But it's not like that.
100 years ago, there was a great war between human and demons. That was a terrifying war... The world back then was even more developed than it is now, but because of that world, many technology had lost. That war was able to reach an end because of a hero summoned from another world.
The problem lies in the other heroes summoned since 100 years ago.
The hero summoned 100 years ago was because human faced a crisis. You know that, right?”
Yeah, if not because of that hero, human beings would have been wiped out. In that crisis, even extreme methods such as taking away a person's freedom might be justified. That is normal for people who was driven in to a corner.
“But after that time, other heroes were summoned without such a good reason. Some was summoned because of vague reasons such as their knowledge they had from another world. The world wasn't in a crisis, but the summoned hero had no way to return anyway.
We were too selfish. Even about the great war 100 years ago, to the hero summoned, it had completely no connection. Being thrown in a different world, got involved to a war, fighting for completely unknown people... that was really a bad joke... But that hero helped because of his strong sense of justice, he was such of a good person.
In these 100 years, there were 6 heroes in total dragged into this world in such a selfish way. 5 chose to go against the unreasonable demand placed on them, and used their power to move far away from the grasp of people of this world.
And then, about 20 years ago, the hero we mentioned about was summoned. He was a doctor, he was truly a special being... That guy... he is still living now...”
That guy...? That sounded like there were some connections between mother and that hero...
No, that can't be true.
“That hero, he was the only one in 100 years up till now who didn't run away, used his specialty to help people of this world. Because of his efforts alone, medical technology of the current time is the only thing developed to high level, surpa.s.sed that before the great war. The medical equipment now is even more effective than the artifacts of ancient time.
And, finally, he also developed this Status spell.
He, who had abundant of knowledge from his previous world, combining with magic of our world, researched about a magic that can provide information about a person health, even information that is unknown to that person's ability to know about oneself, by investigating the magic power of that person. The result was displayed to that person for discovering inner talents, or for medical treatment purpose.
Because of this spell, in case someone has anxiety about health, as long as the disease has a name, it will be displayed, allowing that person to find a treatment.
Beside, that spell also let a person know what skills he has acquired, along with the development of the body, and tells that person about the natural limit applied to his body.
Well, he did not has a good understanding about magic, so the spell also has its limit. From the start, measuring a body to number values has its shortage. But that was from the viewpoint of the hero, so I don't know much.”
“So he was such a great person...”
I'm sorry for called you a heavy net gamer. In truth you were an amazing person, hero-sama. But...
“Mother, did you say he didn't have good understanding about magic? How can a person who didn't understand magic well be able to develop a new spell?'”
“His partner was a magic specialist. The hero made up the theory, and this partner of him created the magic.”
“Well, if alone, that magic specialist would not be able to develop this magic. The hero innovative way of thinking, combined with the apt.i.tude for magic that breaks all common sense of his vampire princess partner. The two of them together developed this special spell. Normally, no one would think about using magic to examine one's own condition, so this idea was truly ground-breaking in that days,”
“That's amazing... hm?... vampire princess?”
“I will tell you about that another time, along with cla.s.sification of races. Are you satisfied? Now show me your status quickly.”
“Hmm, that's right. But how can I show you my status? Do I have to write them down?”
“No, there is no need, chant after me.
I, by my command, entrust to the other. Status disclosure: target: Serena.”
The chant was simple in my opinion. Maybe that was because a person from earth developed it. Anyway, for now:
“I, by my command, entrust to the other. Status disclosure: target: Serena!”
“That's it. Let's see...
Mother were making a very scary expression. I didn't think much when I see my status, maybe because of the unfamiliar English and MMO terms... was my status that bad?... Seeing mother like this, I couldn't help but feel worry...
“What... what is this...”
“This is great...! Very great, Alice! Your magic power is already immeasurable... at this age! The maximum value is supposed to be 1000...
There are cases that magic power becomes immeasurable when a person reach mature age, but that only applies to people who used magic daily. To reach that at 4 years old... Well, about the numbers beside magic power...
Growth correction FFF means that your strength won't grow higher than 1... That means you won't be able to stand... We should have you learning enchant magic soon...
There are 4 unique skills...and...congenital albinism (albino)??
These pa.s.sive skills... spirit magic level...I see...”
Ah... mother went into her world again... Is she some kinds of magic otaku...? This also happened before... Well, she will be back eventually.
---2 hours later---
“Sorry, Alice. I got absorbed for a little...”
What?!... oh, I felt asleep...
“But, I think I figured out the reason behind your coma. I also solved the puzzle about why you could maintain your health while sleeping, as well as why you could growth up normally.”
“Yeah, let me explain it.
But first, let me explain about the difference between magic and spell.”
Why the sudden? And aren't magic and spell the same?
“A spell is when a living thing uses its own magic power to create phenomenon. Compare to that, magic is about manipulating magic power resident in natural existence, receiving blessing from spirits.
Let's look at this example.
Water can be created by a spell. A spell is the process of conversing magic power within oneself to const.i.tute water, and then furthermore give the trigger to make water appear. At that, magic gathers moisture within the air to make water, borrowing the power of spirit within. Well, even with this the difference is still vague, and a lot of people just lump both of them as magic arts.
Still, the difference between them is pretty important, and that is spell only occur at the trigger moment, while magic continue as long as the spirit keep lending magic power. You can take it as the only difference between magic and spell.
And come back at our problem about the reason behind your coma.
Alice, there is a 'Congenital albinism (albino)' in your abnormal status, right? The reason for that is the shortage of melanin in your body. This happened even before you were born, so there is nothing we can do about it. But that's not the problem. Albino makes you weak to UV rays in sunlight, so you will be fine as long as you are careful about that.
The problem lie in the 'Grant (enchants)' applied on you. Spirit magics are marked as pa.s.sive, that means they are invoked automatically, do you understand?
Spirit magic is cla.s.sified as magic I explained to you earlier. It's invoked using magic power shared by spirit to you. And above that, looking at your skills, spirit magic is at level 10. You couldn't feel magic power just a moment ago, but now you can use it at master level already.
And look at your MP, it's decreased by half... Think about it this way, with all those pa.s.sive skills invoked since birth, as a baby you didn't have much magic power to provide those magic, and so exhaustion occurred, you felt into coma...
Normally, with such a huge consumption of magic power, not a coma but instant dead would have happened. You was able to survive must thanks to the resupply of magic power and the life maintaining magics. These magics are probably supplied by magic power outside your body, power borrowed from spirits for exactly. But that alone is not enough, that's where the life maintaining magics step in. These magics keep converting spirit's magic power into your life force.
Those are the reason why you didn't died instantly even when magic power exhaustion happened...”
“It was a miracle...” - Mother murmured while making a relieved expression. This must be more a.s.suring than not understand anything. I must have caused lots of worries to her...
“There are still the next part, that is why your body is healthy, despite only sleeping for years. That is because of moisture maintaining, nutrition maintaining and mind resistant spirit magic. The effects are just as depicted by the names, keeping your body and mind protected there is not much meaning if only the flesh is reserved.
What's next... UV-blocking and Light attenuation...
These are perfect counter measures for congenital albinism (albino). If it wasn't for these, I might be able to figured out about your albino sooner...
Because of these skills, your skin was protected under the sunlight while you were sleeping. They nulled the effect of congenital albinism (albino) ... Even when the outer appearance is alone enough to conclude... I'm ashamed of myself...
For the magic power not to be consumed more than a this, that means your magic power must have recovered at the start of everyday. That must be the truth, because there isn't any other way to recover magic power other than medicines and sleeping. Oh, MP refers to your remaining magic power, and the maximum amount of magic power can be acc.u.mulated. About this I will explain to you at another time.
With your magic power depleted since birth, and keep recovering everyday repeatedly, the result is your magic power capability raised up enough to supply the magics. That's why you were able to wake up.”
Finished explaining in one breath, I can see a little fatigue in mother's eyes, but along with that is a sense of relief.
Still... does she think that a 4 years old me is able to understand all of those...? While outside I'm indeed a 4 years old... or maybe it's too late for that... Since I woke up I lost count of how many times this happened. Maybe I should give up on that way of thinking, to protect my mind itself...