Chapter 3 (1/2)

Shinde Hajimaru Tsugumi 51530K 2022-07-22

s.h.i.+nde Hajimaru Chapter 3

A maiden's health

There is an important existence called spirit in this world.

Spirit is an natural being, takes resident in everything. That was what told to me.

But all that is all most everything known about spirit.

But, the part about natural being seems to be true. There are as much of spirits as the number of different natural phenomena.

And so, the season of different regions, air temperature, humidity, etc... is almost the same throughout the year. That is because spirits rarely make any movement.

Although, there are regions where the spirits are moving, making the change of seasons in that region. The place where my family living is one of those places. It was different from j.a.pan where 4 separated seasons existed, there are only hot season and cold season here.

And the calendar is almost also the same. There are 365 days a year, separated to 12 months. There is no leap year. From October to March is cold season here, the rest are hot season.

Source: Motherpedia.

Today is July, 7th. j.a.panese people would be celebrating Tanabata festival (TL:, but such event doesn't exists in this world.

Today marked exactly 3 months from the day we had our first fully family meeting. Oh, after that mother lent me a mirror, and I confirmed my appearance.

Well, so sum it up...

My hair is silver color, the length stretched to my waist, just like my little sister. My eyes are crimson. My shockingly white skin covering my thin figure. My appearance looked terribly weak. To the point even I think myself was cute... No, it's not like I'm in love with myself... just saying according to normal standard.

At that moment I realized, different from onii-chan and onee-chan, Elise and me has eyes colors that doesn't resemble either of our parents. Maybe we inherited that from our older ancestors? As I asked that to mother, she said:

“The color of eyes reflects one's apt.i.tude to magic. That means which element of magic can a person capable to use. It's that kind of indicator... Let me tell you more about this in another time.”

The basic element are fire, water, earth, wind, light, and darkness, make up to 6 basic elements. There are also other special elements.

Those special elements are not magic element, also doesn't require apt.i.tude to use, so let's not mention them this time, they are also not related to eyes color.

Eyes colors that indicate basic elements are red for fire, blue for water, green for wind, gold for light, and black for darkness. There are also eyes color that doesn't relate to any element, but almost everyone has one of the basic colors.”

That was the answer.

My heart which suffered from eight grade syndrome is tickling again... Eh? That didn't explain about my crimson eyes though...? What does that mean...?

Well, that was a thing I wouldn't understand even with how much thinking, so I left it aside for now.

So, about these last 3 months, I has been training for rehabilitation, to the point that I thought I could vomit blood any moment.

Even so, the result was only to the degree that I can raise up my upper body. I couldn't even stand up, let alone leaving my bed to take a few steps.

Well, that can't be helped for someone who has only slept since birth... but somehow I still felt that something is not right, I don't know exactly though.

The doctor who was always taking care of me said this:

“Your body is healthy for someone who felt into a coma as a baby, but not able to stand is not very normal...

But, I don't even know how you survived this whole 4 years when sleeping anyway.

You wasn't able to receive any milk from your mother, when tried to give you other food, you couldn't take in any. Though water was dropped to your lips constantly. But still, your surviving itself was a miracle, you know?

Beside, exhaustion of magic power right after birth is generally impossible. The reason was also unclear. All those mysteries make me feel like I know nothing... Still, I'm interested in your case...”

That was what said to a 4 years old me.

Even though my appearance was of a 4 years old child, inside I'm still 17 (+ 4?) years old, so I can understand that much.

Ah, doctor smiled when saying the last sentence.

Though while he/she was smiling, his/her eyes were not smiling at all, that was scary.

Well, in the end, the reason of my coma is still unknown.

As I was sleeping all the time, I couldn't look for the reason, but I don't intend to continue being negligent.

If things keep going like this, I will be a trouble for everyone again. So I decided to talk with mother first. Why didn't I pick father? I don't have any bad intent, you know? Not because I think he has muscles for brain, you know?

“Mother, why am I not able to stand...? Even though doctor said my body was healthy...”

“Yeah... that is truly a mystery... No, the fact that you have a healthy body after 4 years only sleeping itself is a mystery... Maybe you have a weak const.i.tution from the beginning... Is everything all right now, I wonder...”

He~~y... mo~ther~~... come back here~... Please don't talk alone like that...

“Oh, I'm sorry. Let's try using Status spell. I think that will tell us the reason.”

“Status spell? What's that?”

Magic! For real?! I'm getting excited!!

...I'm sorry, please a.s.sume that never happened.

“To put it simply, it's a spell to show you your current condition. But you can only see the status of yourself. Without permission, seeing status of an other person is impossible. That why I couldn't look for the reason after your exhaustion of magic power.

Also, this spell tells you your apt.i.tude for magic. Even when not able to stand, you can still practice magic on your bed, so I think it's good to know. In case you can use enchant spells, you can strengthen your physical power.”

What's with this convenient magic?! Is this a MMORPG?!

Nevertheless... enchant magic... is it cla.s.sified as a special magic? From what I've heard, then I may be able to stand if I can use it. Alright! This is my chance to not be a trouble for everyone anymore!

“Mother, how can I use this Status spell?!”

“Calm down a little, you are breathing wildly, you know? Well, I can understand your excitement.

Status spell is a spell that everyone is able to use. It consume magic power to be invoked. So firstly you have to start with feeling the magic flow. Here, put your hand inside my palm like this.”

“Like this?”

I put my right hand on mother's.

Then, mother grasp my hand inside hers tenderly.

Ah... it feels warm...and comfortable...

“Yeah, like that. Now I will let magic power flow to you, try to feel it.

Throughout your body, the flow of magic gather at your heart is called magical energy. To invoke your magical energy, either voice or imagination is needed. Magics that are invoked by voice are called chanting magic, magics invoked by imagination are called non-chanting magic, or imagination magic. Remember that.

Now then, shall we start?”

“Yes, please. …nnn...nyaaa~?!”

Something tickled from my right hand.

I let out my voice because of that?! That was quite embarra.s.sing...

Ah... I can feel something warm flowing into me from mother's hand...

So this is magic power? And this feeling like water stream is magical flow...?

“Hmm... Looks like you can feel it.

Normally I would have to pour magic power into you forcefully until you faint... But you have good apt.i.tude to magic after all, Alice. This will be fun ~”

Wh...what did she say!?

“Mother...? If I may collapse then please tell me from the start!”

This mother... she is averting her eyes... Fainting is scary, you know?!

Well, I didn't faint after all, and furthermore, I seemed to have good apt.i.tude to magic. I will take it as a good result.

A good result is, not everything, but is still good thing.

“If you were able to recognize it, then try to feel the magical energy by yourself.

Magic flow gather at your heart, and from your heart, through blood vein go around your body. Try imagine that and I think you can grasp it.”

“Hmm, I understood. I will try it now.”

So...this is my magic power... Mother's was warm, but mine feel hot, but not to the extend of burning, more like a heat that gives off reliable feeling... I can't explain this well...

Well! Don't sweet the small stuffs! I was able to feel the magic power!

After this is imagining myself soaking in it... Mother take an example of blood, but maybe the flow of water is easier to imagine for me.

“Well, the image is different for everyone. So a good example also varies according to different people.”

You read my mind again, didn't you, mother?

“ be able to feel magic power this quickly... You are incredible after all, Alice. Maybe I can expect great result!”

Eh?! What's with this worrying feeling?!

No, finally I was able to feel magic power, now is the time to concentrate!