Part 6 (1/2)
”Now hurry the f.u.c.k up,” I growl, kissing her forehead before spinning and walking away, leaving her standing in the middle of the bookstore still completely confused about what the h.e.l.l just happened.
It's less than fifteen minutes before she finally emerges from the store, a large plastic bag dangling from her fingers. The moment her eyes spot me they widen. She clearly was not expecting me to still be here waiting for her.
”I thought you left.” I can see the glimmer of relief in her eyes despite the fact that she tries to act completely unaffected.
”It seemed as though I was more of a distraction than anything.” I tilt my head toward the store. ”I figured you could use a minute to get the stuff you needed.”
”O-k-a-y,” she draws out, turning left to head back in the direction we came.
”When do your start back up?” I try to make casual conversation.
It's clear that I've pushed my luck with her. Maybe it's time I work on actually showing her why she shouldn't hate my guts.
”Tuesday.” She keeps her eyes focused forward.
”I don't think you've ever mentioned what you're studying.” I pry, genuinely curious to learn more about this girl.
”Probably because you've never cared to ask.” A small smile plays on her mouth and I can tell she rather enjoys busting my b.a.l.l.s.
”Fair enough. So, what are you studying?” I ask when she makes no attempt to offer the information.
”Substance abuse counseling,” she says, keeping her gaze focused in front of her.
”Really? Any particular reason?”
”Just seems like a good way to be able to help people.” She flashes her hazel eyes at me for the briefest moment, and I swear I see a hint of sadness behind them.
I'm starting to understand that there is much more to this girl than I originally thought.
”Don't want to talk about it. Accepted.” I nudge her shoulder with mine. ”But for the record, I'm a pretty good listener if given the chance.”
”For some reason I find that hard to believe,” she jabs again.
”Ouch,” I say, acting as if she's physically wounded me. ”That hurts.”
”Shut up,” she laughs, shaking her head as she meets my gaze again.
”I like your laugh.” I reach out, wrapping my fingers around hers.
It surprises me that she allows me to hold her hand, but it surprises me even more how much I enjoy doing it.
”Almost as much I like the sound of you moaning,” I tack on, raising my eyebrows up and down suggestively.
”Oh my G.o.d. You really are something else.” She laughs again, turning her face in an attempt to hide her blush.
”What are you doing Friday night?” I ask, turning my gaze forward.
”I'm not sure yet, why?”
”A few of us are getting together for dinner. Nothing fancy. Just a casual sit down with some friends. You interested?”
”I shouldn't.” She shakes her head.
”You should,” I correct her. ”Kimber and Decklan will be there. As will Paxton, my sister Charlie, and maybe a couple others. Come on, it'll be fun.”
”Maybe another time.” She once again refuses.
”You know, it's not illegal for us to actually hang out,” I remind her.
”Gavin, I have a boyfriend.” She hits me with a look that says she wishes she didn't.
”You don't need to remind me. I am perfectly aware of the boy you insist on claiming is your boyfriend.”
”He is my boyfriend,” she objects. ”We've been dating exclusively for nearly a month now.”
”Have you now?” I hold up our entwined hands, tightening my grip when she starts to pull away. ”It didn't seem so exclusive when you were kissing me.”
”I...” she starts, but I cut her off.
”Look, you're seeing someone, I get it. That doesn't mean I have to like it or that I'm just going to accept it. It just means I'm going to have to try that much harder to make sure it doesn't work out.”
The shock that registers on her face is both f.u.c.king adorable and infuriating. What the f.u.c.k does she think I'm doing here? I thought I'd made it pretty clear that she's what I want. Maybe I haven't been clear enough.
”Well you're wasting your time,” she says before tugging her hand out of mine.
Coming to an abrupt halt, she spins toward me, clearly ready to give me an earful. But before she can get anything out, my hands are on her face, cupping her cold cheeks against my palms as I drop my lips to hers. As much as she tries to fight this, her reaction to my kiss gives her away. It's soft and brief, but once again I feel like it makes my point. Slowly pulling away, I put only a few inches of distance between us.
”You can pretend all you want, Harlee. But what you really want couldn't be clearer. So let me be equally as clear. I want you. And when I want something, I get it.” I give her a smile, letting my hands fall from her face before sidestepping past her.
She opens her mouth like she's about to argue but then closes it again, something obviously catching her attention. Panic flashes across her flushed face before she eventually plasters on a fake smile and straightens her shoulders. It isn't until I follow her line of sight that I see the douche bag she's dating heading toward us, his eyes bouncing between the two of us.
”Hey.” She smiles when he steps up directly in front of her.
”Hey.” He leans forward, casually dropping a kiss to her forehead.
The action makes me want to shove his f.u.c.king a.s.s through the window of the flower shop next to us. But given the relief that seems to wash over Harlee, I refrain from doing anything to ruffle his feathers. It's clear he didn't see our little interaction just moments prior, though a part of me wishes he had.
”I tried calling you,” he continues, his focus firmly on her.
”Oh sorry. I had lunch with Joy and then had to run to the bookstore.” She holds up the bag in her hand. ”I ran into Gavin along the way.” She flips her eyes to me, the small glimmer of panic evident in her stare.
She watches me warily, clearly very concerned about what I might do or say. I throw her a knowing smile and then turn toward the boy.
”Gavin Porter.” I extend my hand to him. ”I don't believe we've officially met. You came to my bar on New Year's.”
”The business partner.” He connects the dots, giving my hand a brief shake before pulling back. ”I had the pleasure of meeting Decklan a few days ago.”