Part 5 (1/2)
”Oh thank G.o.d.” Relief floods her face and for the first time, I notice the small wrinkles that line her eyes, intensifying her look of concern.
She's only in her mid-thirties and not a fan of aging. I learned that the hard way when I pointed out she had a gray hair once. She dropped everything and went directly to the salon. Over one gray hair!
She's rich and therefore all about appearances. If I point out the obvious signs that she's getting older, she will be on the phone scheduling Botox before anyone will be able to try and talk some sense into her.
”Cause you know I am way too young to be a grandma.” She thinks on the statement. ”Great aunt.” She tosses it around. ”Nope, either way, it just makes me sound old.” She wrinkles her little nose in disgust, throwing her light brown hair behind her shoulders.
”Again, not pregnant.” I don't try to hide my annoyance over this conversation.
”Then what is it?” She hits me with big hazel eyes; eyes that are almost an exact match to mine. ”And don't say it's nothing. We both know you'd be lying.”
”How did you know you loved Jack?” I ask, referring to her late husband.
She c.o.c.ks a brow at me and studies me curiously for a long moment before finally answering my question.
”I don't know. How does anyone know they love someone? I think you just know.” She shrugs, swirling her manicured fingertip over the rim of her tea gla.s.s. ”Why do you ask?” She bolts upright before I have a chance to respond. ”Oh. My. G.o.d. Did you meet someone?” She looks at me like I have five heads.
”Why do you seem so surprised?”
”Really?” she blurts sarcastically, crossing her arms over her surgically-modified b.r.e.a.s.t.s as she leans back in the chair. ”This from the girl who couldn't stand to go on a date with the same boy twice. I guess I just find it hard to believe that any guy would be special enough to tie you down.”
”Two.” My voice comes out strained.
”Two?” she questions, clearly not picking up what I'm trying to tell her.
”There are two of them.” I bite my bottom lip. Just thinking about my situation makes my stomach want to reject everything I've managed to put in it in the last few minutes.
”Well don't just leave me sitting her in antic.i.p.ation. Tell me everything.” She leans forward, resting her elbows on the table in front of her.
She seems overly eager to hear what I have to say. Like a paparazzi waiting for me to reveal some huge celebrity secret that's going to skyrocket their career instantaneously. Oddly enough, though, her reaction somewhat puts me at ease. It's hard enough talking to her about these things. I'm not the most open person. h.e.l.l, I've been seeing Bryan for weeks now and this is the first time I am even mentioning him to her.
Taking a deep breath, the words start flowing from my mouth. Once they do I can't make them stop. They pour from my lips one on top of the other, and before I know it, I have relived every last detail of the last three months out loud, including my last encounter with Gavin three days ago.
”What do you think I should do?” I finally let out a long sigh and relax back into my chair.
”I can't tell you what you should do, but it sounds to me like you already know,” she says, taking a long drink of her iced tea.
”No, I don't. That's why I'm asking you,” I object.
”It's clear who you want. I'm a firm believer in going with your gut. Had I listened to everyone when they warned me about marrying Jack, I would have missed out on the best ten years of my life. We didn't make sense and most of his family a.s.sumed I was marrying him for his money, but he knew better. He knew I loved him. G.o.d help me did I ever.” Her eyes gla.s.s over as she speaks. ”Every time that man stepped foot in the same room with me, my body would come to life. Even if I couldn't see him, I could always tell when he was near.”
”Gavin.” His name falls from my lips without even a thought. The moment it does I want to suck it back in and swallow it down.
I don't want it to be his name that falls from lips- his name makes my heart speed up- his name makes my skin burn. I don't want anything to do with him and yet, he's all I want. I know it without a second thought.
But that doesn't change the way I feel about Bryan, either. Over the last few weeks, I have come to really care for him. He makes me laugh. He holds me when I'm upset. Brings me flowers when I'm sad or stressed. He does everything he can to bring a smile to my face. Something has to be said about that too, right? It can't all be in the physical pull you feel toward someone.
”My advice,” Joy interrupts my raging thoughts. ”If you're really that torn, talk to Gavin. Feel things out. See where he stands. I can see in the way you speak his name that he has a hold on you. But I also get your reservations about not wanting to throw away what you could have with Bryan over a guy who may or may not want more from you.”
”So what are you suggesting? That I just show up wherever he is and demand to know what his intentions are with me? Cause that's not completely desperate or anything.” I drop my head into my hands on a frustrated growl.
”All I'm saying is give it time. You don't have to figure it out today. The answer may find you when you least expect it. You can't force these things, no matter how badly you may want to. I know how desperately you need to control this situation, but some things are simply beyond our ability to control.”
”Easier said than done,” I whine, looking back up to meet her gaze.
”Find the one that speaks to your soul. When you've made your choice, you'll know it. It won't even be a choice anymore.”
”G.o.d, who are you and what have you done with Joy? Here I expected some off the wall advice like- like sleep with them both and decide which one's d.i.c.k you like better.” I let out on a frustrated groan.
”Well you've already slept with them both,” she reminds me, laughing when I give her an evil glare across the table. ”I mean, sleep with both of them and find out which one's d.i.c.k you like better.” She smiles widely. ”Better?”
”Not at all,” I laugh, feeling no better about my situation.
”Well when you do, you be sure to call me. And if you need me to check them both out and tell you which one I'd pick, I'd be happy to do that, too.” She smiles wickedly. ”Does whose d.i.c.k I like better count?”
”Don't be gross.” I shake my head, her comment pulling the first real laugh from me in days.
”There she is.” She smiles, leaning forward to lay a brief kiss to the top of my head before pus.h.i.+ng into a full stand. ”I have to go. Maria hates when I'm late.” She winks. ”Call me.”
”I will,” I agree, throwing her a small wave as she spins around and walks away.
Knowing I need to get some shopping done to prepare for my upcoming semester which starts in two days, I push into a stand, throwing my long pea coat over my shoulders before grabbing my phone from the table. I no more than get my fingers closed around it when it buzzes to life in my hand, an unknown number dancing across the screen.
I immediately hit ignore. I make it a habit to send any number I don't recognize to voicemail. Sliding it into my jacket pocket, it vibrates again just seconds after I step out onto the sidewalk.
Same number.
”Seriously?” I mutter to myself, once again hitting the ignore b.u.t.ton.
”You know, I don't much like being sent to voicemail.” A familiar voice washes over me.
I look up to see Gavin leaning against his truck which is parked on the street directly in front of the sandwich shop.
I suck in a ragged breath at the sight of him. His dark hair is hidden beneath a black beanie. His muscular body accented by a pair of dark jeans and a gray s.h.i.+rt that is only partly visible underneath his black jacket.
”What are you doing here?” The question is off my lips before I've even fully comprehended that he's here.
”I was having lunch with my sister.” He points to the little Chinese restaurant to the right of the deli.
”And you just happened to know I was here, how?” I question, not able to chalk this up to coincidence.
”Because I saw you through the window.” He points through the large bay window that gives a clear view of the inside of the deli and its patrons.
”How did you get my number?” I bounce to the next question.
”Stole it out of Decklan's phone.” He smiles like he's really proud of himself for that one.