Part 2 (1/2)

I rerandfather had said that he could not understand any entleentle ahiambled in the City, he took risks with his own rather than other people's money I heard him say to a South African millionaire:

”You did not s like ht be devoted to stories about his adventures in speculation, but I will give only one As a young randfather into a firm in Liverpool and made L30,000 on the French Bourse before he enty-four On hearing of this, his father wrote and apologised to the head of the fir to withdraw his son Charles if he had in any way shocked the a loss which he could never have paid The ansas a request that the said ”son Charles” should become a partner in the firm

Born a little quicker, more punctual and more alive than other people, he suffered fools not at all He could not modify himself in any way; he was the same man in his nursery, his school and his office, the same man in church, club, city or suburbs

[Footnote: My mother, Emma Winsloe, came of quite a different class from my father His ancestor of earliest hrandfather Tennant of St Rollox My entle blood Richard Winsloe (b 1770, d 1842) was rector of Minster Forrabury in Cornwall and of Ruishton, near Taunton He hter of the founder of the Times Their son, Richard Winsloe, was sent to Oxford to study for the Church He ran aith Charlotte Monkton, aged 17 They were caught at Eveshaht back to beThey had two children: Emma, our mother, and Richard, my uncle]

My ined

She was as timid, as he was bold, as controlled as he was spontaneous and as refined, courteous and unassu as he was vibrant, sheer and adventurous

Fond as ere of each other and intimate over all my love- affairs, my mother never really understood ies filled her with fatigue She never enjoyed her prosperity and suffered from all the apprehension, fussiness and love of econo to the poor, but by a curious perversion als on economy were a constant source of ae, after listening to his chaff, that money was theoccurred inexperience tohas tended to reinforce it

In discussing irls, you'll not marry penniless men; men should not marry at all unless they can keep their wives,' etc

To this my mother would retort:

”Do not listen to your father, children! Marrying for money has never yet made any one happy; it is not blessed”

Ma else; her mild criticisms of the family balanced my father's obsessions

When Charty's looks were praised, she would ansith a fine sht us all very plain, how plain I only discovered by overhearing the following conversation

I was seventeen and, a few days afterroom screen in London, when an elderly Scotch lady came to see my mother; she was shown into the roo hands said:

”What a handsome house this is ”

MY MOTHER (IRRELEVANTLY): ”I always think your place is so nice

Did your garden do well this year?”

ELDERLY LADY: ”Oh, I'arroch; I took Alison to the Hydro at Crieff for a change She's just a growing girl, you know, and not at all clever like yours”

MY MOTHER: ”My girls never grow! I am sure I wish they would!”

ELDERLY LADY: ”But they are so pretty! My Marion has a homely face!”

MY MOTHER: ”How old is she?”