Part 3 (2/2)

Stay gentle night, and with thy darkness cover The kisses of her Lover.

Stay, and confound her tears, and her shrill cryings, Her weak denials, vows, and often dyings; Stay and hide all, but help not though she call_.

_Nep_. Great Queen of us and Heaven, Hear what I bring to make this hour a full one, If not her measure.

_Cinth_. Speak Seas King.

_Nep_. Thy tunes my _Amphitrite_ joyes to have, When they will dance upon the rising wave, And court me as the sails, my _Trytons_ play Musick to lead a storm, I'le lead the way.

Song. Measure.

_To bed, to bed; come Hymen, lead the Bride, And lay her by her Husbands side: Bring in the Virgins every one That grieve to lie alone: That they may kiss while they may say, a maid, To morrow 'twill be other, kist and said: _Hesperus_ be long a s.h.i.+ning, Whilst these Lovers are a twining_.

_Eol_. Ho! _Neptune!_

_Nept_. _Eolus!_

_Eol_. The Seas go hie, _Boreas_ hath rais'd a storm; go and applie Thy trident, else I prophesie, ere day Many a tall s.h.i.+p will be cast away: Descend with all the G.o.ds, and all their power to strike a cal[m].

_Cin_. A thanks to every one, and to gratulate So great a service done at my desire, Ye shall have many floods fuller and higher Than you have wisht for; no Ebb shall dare To let the day see where your dwellings are: Now back unto your Government in haste, Lest your proud charge should swell above the waste, And win upon the Island.

_Nep_. We obey.

[_Neptune descends, and the Sea-G.o.ds_.

_Cinth_. Hold up thy head dead night; seest thou not day?

The East begins to lighten, I must down And give my brother place.

_Nigh_. Oh! I could frown To see the day, the day that flings his light Upon my Kingdoms, and contemns old Night; Let him go on and flame, I hope to see Another wild-fire in his Axletree; And all false drencht; but I forgot, speak Queen.

The day grows on I must no more be seen.

_Cin_. Heave up thy drowsie head agen, and see A greater light, a greater Majestie, Between our sect and us; whip up thy team; The day breaks here, and you some flas.h.i.+ng stream Shot from the South; say, which way wilt thou go?

_Nigh_. I'le vanish into mists.


_Cin_. I into day. _[Finis Mask_.

_King_. Take lights there Ladies, get the Bride to bed; We will not see you laid, good night _Amintor,_ We'l ease you of that tedious ceremony; Were it [my] case, I should think time run slow.

If thou beest n.o.ble, youth, get me a boy, That may defend my Kingdom from my foes.

_Amin_. All happiness to you.

_King_. Good night _Melantius_.


_Actus Secundus_.
