Part 3 (1/2)

_Cinth_. Doth this majestick show Give thee no knowledge yet?

_Nep_. Yes, now I see.

Something intended _(Cinthia)_ worthy thee; Go on, I'le be a helper.

_Cinth_. Hie thee then, And charge the wind flie from his Rockie Den.

Let loose thy subjects, only _Boreas_ Too foul for our intention as he was; Still keep him fast chain'd; we must have none here But vernal blasts, and gentle winds appear, Such as blow flowers, and through the glad Boughs sing Many soft welcomes to the l.u.s.ty spring.

These are our musick: next, thy watry race Bring on in couples; we are pleas'd to grace This n.o.ble night, each in their richest things Your own deeps or the broken vessel brings; Be prodigal, and I shall be as kind, And s.h.i.+ne at full upon you.

_Nep_. Ho the wind Commanding _Eolus!_

[Enter Eolus out of a Rock.

_Eol_. Great _Neptune!_

_Nep_. He.

_Eol_. What is thy will?

_Nep_. We do command thee free _Favonius_ and thy milder winds to wait Upon our _Cinthia_, but tye _Boreas_ straight; He's too rebellious.

_Eol_. I shall do it.

_Nep_. Do, great master of the flood, and all below, Thy full command has taken.

_Eol_. Ho! the main; _Neptune_.

_Nep_. Here.

_Eol_. _Boreas_ has broke his chain, And struggling with the rest, has got away.

_Nep_. Let him alone, I'le take him up at sea; He will not long be thence; go once again And call out of the bottoms of the Main, Blew _Proteus_, and the rest; charge them put on Their greatest pearls, and the most sparkling stone The bearing Rock breeds, till this night is done By me a solemn honour to the Moon; Flie like a full sail.

_Eol_. I am gone.

_Cin_. Dark night, Strike a full silence, do a thorow right To this great _Chorus_, that our Musick may Touch high as heaven, and make the East break day At mid-[n]ight.



Cinthia _to thy power, and them we obey.

Joy to this great company, and no day Come to steal this night away, Till the rites of love are ended, And the l.u.s.ty Bridegroom say, Welcome light of all befriended.

Pace out you watry powers below, let your feet Like the Gallies when they row, even beat_.

_Let your unknown measures set To the still winds, tell to all That G.o.ds are come immortal great, To honour this great Nuptial_.

The Measure. Second Song.

_Hold back thy hours dark night, till we have done, The day will come too soon; Young Maids will curse thee if thou steal'st away, And leav'st their blushes open to the day.

Stay, stay, and hide the blushes of the Bride.