35 History of Crystallia (1/2)

As the feeling of falling subsided, Will felt back in his own skin. Opening his eyes, he saw the woodline he had sat facing and felt the fountain behind him.

”I see it worked.” Michael said as he walked the path towards Will. ”I like what he did with your jacket,” he said with a smile. ”The way it was before, I thought it would fall apart. Though I was expecting something a little more red.” His eyes went to the cross and the smile faded. With a look of disbelief, he walked closer. His hands fumbled for the chain as he inspected the new weapon. ”Do you understand what this appearance means?” his widened eyes searched Will's.

His nephew nodded. ”Cainus said something about me becoming a god, though he was vague in explaining.”

Michael released his hand from Will's chain, took a few steps back and waited for him to explain what exactly happened. Patiently waiting for his uncle to find his bearings once more, Will ignited a small flame within the palm of his hand and looked at it thoughtfully. He noted the gold which now outshined the usual crimson.

Will waited for Michael to get comfortable next to him by the fountain. He then began going through the entire experience with Michael. He left nothing out, from the golden chamber to the jacket and cross. Mentioning the jacket was enough to raise an eyebrow, but Michael paid more attention to the cross. He pretty much ignored the part about the throne room, as if it were common knowledge.

”That's all of it.” Will said as he stretched. He felt as he had after a long drive with Jonathan. 'How long had I been sitting here?' he wondered as he got up and paced the ground in front of his uncle. He could feel his muscles give a sigh of relief after having been still for what seemed like hours.

”This gives me much to think about William, but now isn't the time to do so.” Michael said with a grin. ”You need to get ready, it's time that we continue your journey. This alone is enough to convince me that you are the one to bring about the change our land has been waiting for. Your path is not yet complete, the only way to continue is to go home.”

Will thought about his uncle's words. He had put off going back to Crystallia for too long. He had received a gift from the first king of Ebonhart for a reason, he too was waiting for the change. The advisers rule was numbered. Soon Will would set right the rule of the kingdom.

He thought of Maya and Jake. Two friends who had been corrupted by the black flame. He knew soon he would be reunited with the pair. The dream of him stabbing Maya came to him, he knew soon he would have to carry out the prophecy, yet he also knew that doing nothing wouldn't help her either.

”When do I leave?” He asked, new determination shone in his eyes. He had a father that needed a good slap and dark advisers to put in the ground. He could do nothing to hide his excitement. He was waiting for this day, the day he could avenge Maya. The advisers wraiths had already suffered his blade, now it's time to cut off the head.

”First I think there's one other thing that must be done.” Michael said with a glimpse of a smile on his face. ”I think it's time to find your friends, don't use your aura to track them down though, that would be somewhat a waste. What if at one point your aura fails and you have to resort to good old fashioned tracking? Don't spoil yourself with your new gifts.” With that, Michael stood up, looking at the golden flame in the fireplace one more time with admiration. Waving a hand as he turned around, he left the room.

Getting in one last good stretch, Will noticed that he hadn't allowed the flame in his hand to recede. Giving one last glance to the golden fire, he allowed it to extinguish. His mind was full of the knowledge in which he had received from both the king and his uncle. Soon enough he was going to go back to the place in which held so much pain, yet also equal amounts of promise. The land was alien to him, but he knew now that it was his home land. Remembering Maya and how the Crimson Knights had treated her, he knew he would be the only one able to right the wrongs in which his father had unintentionally allowed.

Walking away from the fountain, Will was deep in thought as he went into the mansion and through the multitude of corridors. He already had a small idea as to where Leo was located. He went through the winding halls, into the other side of the manor towards the library. As he went, he thought about Maya, the last time he had physically seen her, she was wrapped in chains. Her body had been left behind while the wraiths dragged him away. His visions of what had taken her place brought chills as he remembered the dark garments she had worn in his dreams, the old sword in which killed her that had become her own weapon. The haunting dark eyes that replaced her lively brown ones.

The library was coming up on the left side of the hallway, Will being deep in thought had almost walked past it. As he found himself at the entrance, he looked at the table in the middle of the room. The lights had been on within the library, so Will knew before he saw the table that his best friend had been studying. There was nothing more that Leo enjoyed more than knowledge. If they were going to be in Crystallia soon, what Leo learned may in fact save them one way or another.

Looking in the room, Will could see Leo sitting at the table surrounded by large books stacked all around him. He had been rubbing his temples with one hand while holding a book in the other. Will's nose was assaulted by the scent of dust and old books as he entered.

”Learn anything new?” Will asked as he moved some books from the chair across the table from Leo and sat down. Looking at the books he moved, Will saw most of them were land references or kingdom history. Many of the books held names he had not heard of from either his uncle or Cainus. Picking up one of the books, Will looked at the title. 'History of Euphelia' Will eyed it for a moment before putting it down.

”A lot more than you apparently.” Leo said with a sigh as he put his book down on a stack next to him. ”Seriously man, how can you be from an entirely different world and still not be interested in knowing anything about it?” He yawned as he looked at his phone. He apparently didn't realize how late it was. ”We are heading out to Crystallia soon, could you even tell me one of the village names? Maybe the other kingdoms that ally themselves with the capital in which you are an heir to? How would you even know who to rally when we get there if you don't even know where you're going?” The more questions Leo presented Will, the more he had to admit his friend was right.

”The last time I was there, the only place I knew of is Nearwood Village.” Will said. ”It wasn't necessarily a luxury tour you know.” He grimaced as he remembered the cottage he stayed with Michael in for a month. ”If you know more, maybe you should help me out.” Will picked up another book and waved it at Leo. ”You know how well I am with studying, it never really sets well with me.”