34 The Crusaders Pac (1/2)

Will waited patiently for Cainus to explain his new suggestion. He distinctly remembered when Cainus took over when helping Leo and Bianca unlock their own lineage power. The word 'Crusade' rang out in his mind. If there was one thing that he had learned throughout all his time dealing with Crystallia, it was that coincidences were nonexistent. Considering the late king's expectant glance, Will knew he was dying of anticipation for the question.

Rolling his eyes in resignation, Will let out a sigh. ”Fine, what's the crusader's pact?” He honestly couldn't understand why there had to be such a cliffhanger for just an explanation, why couldn't most people just continue with the conversation like a normal human being? With all the annoyance, Will could still make out the gleam in Cainus's eyes as he took a deep breath. 'Get out your pencils and paper, it looks like we are in for a lecture.' Will thought as he rolled his eyes.

”Just as anything else has to start, we must start at the beginning.” Cainus said as he looked up at the crimson burning sky. ”What do you think the flame is William?” he said as he took his head from the heavens and looked back at the teenager.

Will thought about it for a moment before speaking. He would have thought that it was just a normal flame that burns, but he had too much experience with the power. There were times that he could burn others just with the flame, punch holes through trees, or even start a fire in a fireplace. But there were also times in which the flame was used for other purposes. When he contacted others using his flame and reflection, or when he willed the flame to not harm others. He also didn't think that using a natural flame would be enough to erupt a sword from a cross.

Deep within his thoughts, Will heard Cainus chuckle. Looking at the late king, he had a confused expression on his face.

”The flame is not the element itself, but a reflection of will, a creative spark coming to fruition. Later in your studies of the gift, you will notice that it is not just flame that you have control over, but of the mind itself.” Cainus gave a thoughtful look towards his young student. ”Maybe you'll be the first one to unlock the true secret of the gift.”

Will sent a thoughtful glance to Cainus. ”Does that mean that even you haven't figured it out yet? With all this time living within other people's minds, I would have thought you had enough time to master it.”

Cainus sent a disproving look towards Will. ”It doesn't matter how long one lives, as a matter of fact it is easy to use the gift to increase your lifespan by centuries as I did, and yet if you don't have the right knowledge, it wouldn't matter. The gift has a mind of its own, it's how you are able to do more than set a fireplace with it. When your imagination taps into the gift, it reads your intentions. Without a sentient thought, how would you hope to do anything with it at all?” Cainus said as he materialized his throne within the field. ”Whether you spend your life trying to understand the gift that has been given to you, or you live with the flame as if it were an extension of yourself, you will never truly master it unless it wishes to be mastered.”

”As per your question William,” Cainus began as he sat in his gold throne, ”The Crusader's Pact that we would make is to allow me to teach you of the gift in the way I was taught by the gods who had given it to me.” He said as he sent a serious glance towards Will. ”It would also allow us to meet here, a place within your mind so I can pass my knowledge to you.”

Will considered it for a moment. ”A pact usually goes both ways Cainus, what would you get out of it in return?”

The king sent a surprised look towards Will. ”In all my years in servitude to the next in line, not one of the idiots had ever thought of asking that question.” He said in mock humor. ”They always look at the idea of gaining more power and said yes instantaneously, I'm impressed William. The other part of the deal is that I can see the world through your eyes, and if you need power, you can call on me within your mind.”

Cainus sounded a little too cheerful at the idea of being called upon, Will made a mental note to only do so in extreme situations. ”So how does this pact work? What do I do?” Will asked as Cainus rose to his feet. Walking over to Will, he extended a hand which combusted with a pure gold flame. Stopping just feet in front of him, Cainus reached his hand out as if to shake Will's.

”All you have to do is summon the flame within your hand and embrace my own, after that, repeat the oath in which I lay out for you.” Cainus said in a cheerful voice. He acted like he was the age of the man before Will, instead of centuries old. Will could see a light of hopefulness within his eyes.

'If it gives me power enough to get Maya back, it is a chance I have to take.' Will thought as he remembered his dreams. The moment the sword was thrusted into his friend, the decision was made for him. He would not allow Maya to remain in the darkness for long, no matter what it took he would save her.

Summoning his own flame, he grasped the hand of the late king. The moment their hands touched, the two flames swirled out of their hands and spiraled together, making a pillar of flame with them in the center. The gold flame and the crimson flame didn't fuse together, but instead swirled as if partners up to the flaming crimson sky. As the power surged upward, Will's eyes did not follow. Instead they remained locked with Cainus, as if he were in a trance.

”You are about to willingly commit yourself to the Crusader's cause. With full knowledge that there is a dormant soul of a king within you. Should you decide against such agreement, he will be banished from all realms and released to the gods.” Cainus' voice rang throughout the field. ”Within the time you permit, the spirit will share mind, body and soul with you. If you understand the terms of the agreement, repeat the oath. I will not use the powers given to me for personal gain, I will not use the powers given to me to become a tyrant, and I will use these powers to uphold justice and the laws appointed to the land in which I travel.”