33 The Late King (1/2)
As Will opened the unfamiliar door within his own mind, his breath caught. He didn't know what to expect to see as he stepped in, but nothing could have prepared him for the sight before him. Walking inside, he was greeted by a ruby red pathway within a solid gold floor. Pillars of solid gold adorned with rubies on either side of him leading up to a throne of the same design. As he looked around, he noticed a red tint in the reflection of the floor. Looking up, he was greeted by what seemed to be a full sky of red and gold flames.
Shutting the door behind him and taking in his surroundings, Will couldn't help but be struck with awe. Walking towards the throne, he couldn't keep his eyes forward. This is within my mind? He thought as he stared at the inferno.
”A bit hard to take in isn't it?” A voice rang from behind Will making him jump. Turning around, he saw a man no older than himself. Taking in this new person within his mind, Will noticed similarities in his face and build. Though the man had blond hair and blue eyes, he had the same jaw line, nose and look within his eyes that Will saw every time he looked in the mirror. Though that was where the similarities ended.
Where will had a pair of blue jeans, white t shirt, leather jacket and his lineage blade with dog tags adorned around his neck, the man in front of him was entirely different. He had a ruby red robe adorned with gold lining and a gold crown adorned with every color jewel surrounding the bottom. As Will took in the crown, he noticed it was the same one that his father had worn in the picture within his uncle's cottage.
Seeing Will's reaction, the other couldn't help but laugh. ”The reactions never grow tiring.” he said as he put his hand out for Will to shake. ”I am Cainus Ragnos, First King of Ebonhart.” He said as Will extended his own with a confused look. Either Cainus had died a young man or he was a fraud, which seemed unlikely to Will due to the consciousness residing in his own head.
”How are you the same age as me?” Will asked, raising an eyebrow as Cainus walked towards the golden throne.
”Let me get this straight Will,” Cainus said with a grin as he sat down on the golden seat. ”You find out that there's another person sharing your consciousness and the first thing you ask is of my age?” He couldn't help but let out a little chuckle at the thought.
Will smiled nervously at the spirit within his mind as he thought about how ridiculous the first question might have seemed to the late king. In all honesty he didn't truly know how to start a conversation without seeming insane to himself. Here he was within his own mind, yet never had he felt so out of place.
Cainus gave Will an appraising stare, his eyes bored into the young man in front of him. ”I must say, you are quite different than the other candidates that have come to me. Come closer to the throne, let me have a better look at you.” He said as he waved a hand to Will to approach.
Will walked forward on the red carpet, putting himself almost directly in front of the throne. Stopping three steps away, something happened that he was not prepared for.
The endless sky of fire descended upon him in a swirling vortex of crimson. Within seconds not even the throne was visible as the flames spun faster. It felt as if Will had seen this before.
It was the same vortex cage in which he had caught Michael in when he had just lost Maya. Thinking back to that time made Will's heart ache, yet at the same time a moment of confusion crossed his features. Though he had used this cage once before, he had never stopped to think about how he was taught to do such a thing. He had only just begun to tap into his gifts back then, it was something he didn't know if he was even capable of now.
”I've been trying to talk with you for some time now.” An ancient yet strong voice boomed through the inferno. ”You have only just awakened, a child with a man's responsibility. You need to be trained, to be guided.” Will looked around for the man speaking to him, yet found nothing but the crimson haze which was swirling around him.
Will felt his lineage blade burning around his neck, beckoning to be called forth. As the flames raced faster, the blade burned with even more intense heat. Within moments, the cross seemed to turn white from the heat which slowly took on a red tint.
While Will was fascinated by the changes in which he was seeing within his blade, against his better judgement, he touched the cross. He had expected a searing pain from the white hot metal but instead was greeted by a cool touch. The moment his hand made contact, the blade shot outward coming to life as if all on its own. Not even disconnected from the chain, the pillar of flame in which usually formed the blade only added to the inferno surrounding him.