Chapter 237 - Two Hundred And Thirty-seven: That Face (1/2)
Niklaus' point of view
”How are you managing so far?”
My eyes met her orbs probing into mine and searching for answers. Discovering that question had taken me aback and made me vulnerable, I quickly bottled up my emotions.
”Of course, I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?” I answered with a fake smile.
She breathed, ”I just thought that with all that happened, returning to that place might bring back the painful memories, ”
”Don't worry Jennifer, It's been seven years already,” I gave her an assuring smile, ”I sure can handle anything that comes my way, ”
”Well, if you say so,” she didn't press further.
If there was another thing I loved about Jennifer, it was that she knew me too well. Being with me over the years: she knew my likes and dislikes, my do's and don't, and when to stop in an argument with me. Most things might change over the years but not my stubbornness.
”So …” Jeniffer went on to change the topic, ”When you get home, don't get too busy that you would skip your meals- well, I'll check up on you anyway. Now, have a nice trip,” she waved at me and was about to end the chat when I called her name.
”Huh?” she glanced up at the screen with expectation.
I took a deep breath,” I love you,”
For a while, she didn't move and I couldn't blame her, this was the first time I was confessing my feelings of love for her. Yeah, it took me that long.
A smile tugged her lips to the side, ”I love you too, Niklaus,”
I smiled back, ”Take care of yourself and the kids, I'll be back soon. Goodbye”
”Alright, goodbye” the call ended.
I threw my head back against the headrest, releasing a long, deep, puff. Let's see how this goes from now on.
”Sir, is that our future Madam?”
Oh right, I had forgotten that Micheal tends to opine in my personal affairs.
”Yes, she is but don't worry, when everything's settled, you'd get to see her,” I replied with my eyes closed.
”Alright sir,” Micheal agreed, settling his eyes back to the road.
After such a long day at the airport, I had fallen during the ride home and had to be woken up by Micheal when we arrived.
”Here we are, sir,” He opened the door for me to step out.
”Oh,” I cleared the sleep out of my eye, wincing as the afternoon sun hit my face,” Thank you,”
”Sir Niklaus!” I heard Amanda's excited scream and turned around to meet her plumpy figure running to welcome me. I blanched from shock, with that momentum, she'd bring us both to the ground.
”Stop,” I put my hand up and she came to a sudden halt like the brakes in a car.
”Better. You can hug me now,” I opened my arms as wide as I could and she walked right into it, hugging me tight and shedding tears I would like to regard as tears of joy.
Amanda was employed by my grandfather after she lost her husband and had been a mother figure to me over the years and today, I felt like a son returning home after making his mother proud.
”Thank you for coming back home safe, ” she said in relief.
I wanted to inform her that I wouldn't be staying here for as long as she thinks but decided against it, let's enjoy this rare moment.
And of course, whatever lingering fear I had was dissipated by her lively chattering.
”As you wanted, everything has been renovated,” Amanda went ahead to explain the changes she had made to the house.
The entire rooms in the house had been repainted, the sofas changed with their positions altered. Everything was altered; light bulbs, curtains, rug, furniture, electronic gadgets, and many others. It was done to make me forget and move on with my life, and I couldn't do that with everything in the house looking the same and reminding me of her.
”If you're done with what you're doing sir Niklaus, you should come downstairs to have lunch,” She said while following after me as I walked up the stairs leading to my room.
”I don't think I have an appetite for food at the moment,” I replied, turning the knob to my room and entered.