Chapter 236 - Two Hundred And Thirty-six: A Good Wife (1/2)
Niklaus point of view
”Here he is!” Reporters encompassed me as soon as I came out of the departure gate which made me wonder who leaked my flight info.
”How do you feel returning home after seven years, Niklaus Spencer?”
”There have been rumors circulating that you'd be getting married, is that true?”
I ignored them. I've encountered reporters over the years and learned silence was the best tool to use to deal with them unless making an official statement.
”Are the rumors true? Is that why you're back home?”
”Seriously,” I hissed, glaring at the reporters almost shoving their cameras in my face. Just when I thought this city had forgotten me, it turned out that I was wrong.
I was relieved when I lifted my head to see my men hurrying to save me from their distress.
”Make way!” They shoved the persistent reporters aside, creating a path which they walked through and were by my sides in no time.
”Why did you leave in the first place, Niklaus? There have been rumors circulating that the relationship with your father is hanging on a thin line, is that true?” Queried a reporter who was adamant about getting her question answered. She even kept following after me amid the guards keeping her at arm's length.
”Say something, sir, why did you leave? Is it because of Maya? You both had been quite close and you left after her death, right? Is there anything else you know regarding her death that the public has no idea about?”
I stopped in my tracks at once, my once bright face darkening. Of all questions, she had to ask that?
My guards stopped as well, watching as I approached the reporter with a clenched jaw. The other reporters must have sensed my furious mood and remained the way they are - nor moving or proceeding further.
”Mind where you snoop your nose, curiosity killed the cat, ” was my clear warning to her, and strode away with the other reporters running after me. Hence I spoke to her, they had the view I might respond to their question too.
I didn't need to speak, my guards held them back while I was led to my car where my ever loyal Micheal was awaiting me already.
”Long time, Sir Niklaus,” He
welcomed me.
”Thank you, Micheal. How have you been?”
”I'm fine. Where to, sir? Home?” He inquired
”Home?” I mumbled under my breath, was that home? I had not returned to stay but solve this sudden problem that has affected the entirety of my jewelry company and might escalate if not settled.
”Find a good hotel that isn't owned by the Spencers,” I ordered him yet found a stressed look of grimace on Michael's face as if he was at war at what to say.
”What is the problem?” I asked him, knowing there was something on his mind.
”Sir, most of the high-end hotels out there currently belong to the Spencers,” he reported.
”Is that the case?” I breathed, ”Seems Eden has been doing a good job then,”
Though I had been away for years, I had my ears glued to the ground and got to know that Eden had successfully taken the power from that man Adam. But something was strange, the old man had given up the position without a fight which means he had other plans in mind. Just prayed Eden was smart enough not to fall into his traps.
Michael glanced over his shoulder at me ”What should I do, sir?”
I rubbed my jaw contemplatively,
”Alright, drive to my place,” there was no need to spend sumptuously when I had a house to stay. Moreover, it was seven years already, it was time to face that reality and get over it.
”Good choice sir, Amanda has prepared the house already,” that comment from Micheal made the corners of my mouth quirk, why do I feel like I was just tricked?
Sigh, whatever.
I had intended my return to be low-key hence my refusal to stay under any hotel owned by any Spencer - this city was their playground- but the reporters had exposed me. Well, there was no need hiding anyway, Adam probably has an idea of my return - he had been keeping track of my movements over the years in secret.