20 Clandestine Qundom (1/2)

Pardon the mistakes


”when will you be back” Edward asked holding Lorraine hands.

”in a couple of days or maybe week” Lorraine answered.

”couple of days are fine Lorraine,”

”i don't think soo they're enough for me and Aila”

”yes i know but what about me?” Edward asked.

”what about you? Edward”

”what am i going to do without you for a week”

”enjoy your solitude” Lorraine smirked.

He frowned on her words she cupped his cheeks and made him look at her, ”i was just teasing you, you know it's been long time since i and Aila met so please it will be only a week not more than that” she said.

”Okay” Edward said and covered her hand which was on his cheek and snogged her forehead.

”why don't you too come with me” Lorraine asked.

”Edmund is your friend, he had a son you should see him” she added.

”i think I'll come with you” Edward replied with smile.

”That's sounds great” Lorraine exclaimed with smile and embraced him.


”Are you done Lorraine” Edward asked.

”Yes I'm almost done” Lorraine replied.

”you always make me wait Lorraine”

”not always, only sometimes”

”okay, I'm ready” Lorraine quoth and linked her arm with Edward.

They reached Xenia, already Edmund and Aila were waiting for them to arrive, Edward got down from the carraige and helped Lorraine getting down, Edmund was stupefied to see Edward, they hugged each other whilst Lorraine and Aila were looking at their men with adoration, ”you stupefied me, i never thought you would come” Edmund said to Edward with enthusiasm.

”how could i not come to see your son, my friend” Edward replied.

”I'm so glad you came, Edward” Edmund quoth and hugged him again.

”oh Lorrie i missed you so much, it's been long time since we met” Aila exclaimed with joy and squeezed her with embrace.

”i missed you too Ail” Lorraine said embracing her back.

”loyi, loyi” Little Remus said pulling her gown, she pulled away from embrace and looked at him.

”my little Remus” Lorraine said and was bending down to pick him up.

”don't Lorrie, you shouldn't do that it's not good for you and the baby” she said and picked up Remus in her arms and Lorraine took Remus from Aila ” i missed you so much my little Remus” Lorraine hugged him.

”you've grown from last time i saw you Remus” Lorraine said and kissed his cheek on which Remus was giggling, Aila took Remus from Lorraine.

”what happened Ail did i do something wrong” asked Lorraine worried.

”yes you did wrong” said Aila.

”what did i do?” asked Lorraine skeptically.

”you shouldn't carry anything whilst you're eight months pregnant”

”oh Aila you scared me” Lorraine said breathing in relief.

”but i want to hold my gorgeous Remus” Lorraine said tickling Remus, he was giggling.

”you can hold him whilst you're sitting, okay”

”Okay Queen Aila” Lorraine chuckled.

”look who's over there Remus” Aila said pointing towards Edward.

”come to uncle Edward Remus” Edward said extending his arms for him, Remus swiftly jumped into the arms of Edward and wrapped his little hands around his neck, ”how are you my young man” Edward asked to Remus tickling him.

”how are you Lorraine” Edmund asked.

”more than fine” Lorraine replied by keeping one of her hand on her baby bump.

”That's for sure” Edmund said.

”Let's get inside” he added.

”yes I'm so inquisitive to see your new born son” Lorraine exclaimed enthusiastically holding Aila's hands.

”he looks more like you Edmund” Lorraine said with adoration taking the baby into her arms.

”yes he does look like me” Edmund sang out.

Edmund took Remus from Edward and said ”go ahead look at him”

”yes you're right Lorraine he looks more like his father” he says taking baby from Lorraine, baby opens his eyes and looks at Edward ”he's looking at me” Edward said with excitement and the baby started crying, ”you made him cry with your excitement” Lorraine said.

”it's okay I'll take him” Aila quoth and took baby from Edward.

”Let's leave the ladies alone Edward”


”are you coming with us little man” Edward asked Remus humorously, Remus gets down from his father arms and runs towards Lorraine wrapping his little hands around her ”i love you my little Remus” Lorraine grinned.

”Lov- too” Remus says giggling, they all laugh on Remus's broken word's.

Edward and Edmund leaves the ladies alone.

”Ail what did you named your son”

”Bloom Rey Zorla”

”it's a lovely name”

Remus sat on the lap of Lorraine touching her baby bump with his fingers, ”thr baby in” asked Remus.

”yes it's baby in here” Lorraine said with smile taking Remus's hands and placing them on her baby bump.

”it kicked Aila exactly where Remus's hands are” Lorraine said excitedly.

”do you felt it Remus”

”yeshh loyi” Remus quoth.

”he looks excited, isn't he” Said Aila looking at Remus who was not ready to take his hands off Lorraine's baby bump.

”yes he is” said Lorraine.

”Rmsh lov baby” said Remus.

”baby loves Remus too” Lorraine quoth and Remus giggled.


”not more than a week okay,” Edward said wrapping his hands around Lorraine's back.

”i promise only week” Lorraine said.

”I'll miss you, Lorraine”

”i'll miss you too”

Edward snogged her cheek and got down on his knees keeping his hands on the baby bump and kissing it ”father will miss you”

”Lorraine there are more two days left for a week”

”yes Ail i want to stupefy Edward, he isn't expecting me to come early”

”can't you stay Lorrie” Aila grimaced.

”I'm sorry Ail but I've to go” Lorraine said hugging Aila.

”okay Lorrie” she said hugging her back.