19 Abducted (1/2)
Remus POV
My head was throbbing in pain my eyes felt so heavy i slowly opened my eyes i was on a bed, i looked around it was not my chamber i wasn't in my castle, all of sudden thought about Zeri struck me, i swiftly sat up but a sharp pain crawled into my head making me fall back on the bed clasping my head, i heard the sound of door opening but i was unable to see who it was due to throbbing pain in my head.
”oh thank god you're awake Remus” she embraced me.
”how are you feeling now” she asked worriedly.
I embraced her back and said ”I'm fine mother”
I broke away from our embrace and asked ”is Zeri here mother”
”you both were gone from ball a knight saw you both going into woods and they later found you in the woods unconscious, they searched for Zeri but they didn't find her” she grimaced, ”why did you both went into the woods”
”i need to find her mother if something happens to her i can never forgive myself” i said and got up from the bed, the pain was so intense i fell on back on the bed again ”Remus you need to take rest you can't go out when you're hurt” she said whilst helping me up,” no i don't have time to take rest i need to find he-” she paused me ”take this potion it will help you heal faster and then you can go” i nodded and drank the potion, suddenly my eyes felt so heavy the light around me was fading out, i tried to keep my eyes open but i was disabled and darkness took over me.
Aila's POV
Remus fell on the bed after drinking the potion, i laid him on the bed properly and covered him with quilt he was sleeping peacefully cause i gave him the sleep potion, i don't want him to go out when he's hurt and in pain, why is Remus so beset about Zeri even when he's in intense pain he still wants to go out and search for her, i know finding Zeri is important but i can't let him go, i hope she's fine please god keep her safe, i placed a kiss on his forehead and caressed his cheek.
After one hour Edmund came to see Remus ”has he woke up” he asked sitting on the right side of Remus caressing his hair and snogged his forehead, ”yes he woke up” i replied, ”did he said anything about Zeri and who hurt him” he questioned, ”no, when he woke up he was in excruciating pain and was saying i need to find her, he was ready to leave even he was unable to walk, so i gave him a sleep potion and he's sleeping since one hour” i answered.
”before giving him potion at least you would've asked about Zeri and what happened in the woods Aila” Edmund quoth.
”yes i should have asked but my son was in so much pain, i couldn't stand seeing him like that so i just gave him the potion”
”you only saw the pain of your son, you didn't thought about Zeri for a second in what situation she must be in that creepy place, you can't stand seeing your son in pain even though he's hurt and in pain at least he is with us, you ever thought what might Edward must be going through his only daughter is gone missing, and only our son knows what happened with her” he said with annoyance.
”I'm sorry Edmund i forgot about Zeri when i saw Remus in pain, i should have asked him but he was so desperate to leave so i just gave him the potion without a thought” i said looking down at my sleeping son tears formed in my eyes on thought of Zeri, i should have asked Remus about it please please god keep her safe.
”you should have thought for a second before giving him the potion do you know in how much pain Edward is” he infuriated.
”i can comprehend his pain, Edmund”
”you don't Aila if you comprehend his pain you wouldn't have given potion to Remus” he exclaimed acrimoniously and scrammed out of the chamber.
Remus's POV
I had mild pain in my head i touched my wound which was dressed and opened my eyes, it was afternoon how could i sleep for so long, the potion it made me sleep for so long mother how could she give me the sleep potion, i got up from the bed and walked out of the chamber, i saw a knight outside my chamber and asked him to take me to King Edward he took me to his chamber, he was sitting on the chair he looked so devastated as soon as he saw me he got up from his chair and walked towards me holding my arms he asked ”how are you feeling now Remus” i thought as soon as he will see me he will ask me about Zeri but first he asked about my health it kinda surprised me ”I'm better now” i replied.
”I'm glad you're okay son” he said and hugged me.
”I'm sorry i couldn't stop him from taking her away” i said looking at him.
”who took her” he asked perplexed.