6 The Plots Star (2/2)
”I believe you have an issue with my leaders.h.i.+p, would you like to voice it out?”
He stands the startled before replying.
(Akito) ”I believe the t.i.tle of Omega should be handed to Lady Honeto and not a brat like you.”
The room turns silent for a couple of seconds before a shout is heard.
(Honeto) ”What are you saying Akito, I could never replace the Omega and you have the nerve to call Lord Omega a brat I'll...”
Cutting her off I reply ”I can fight my own battles Honeto.” I state turning her silent ”And you Akito, the Pack is not an organisation where the strong rule the week. 'sigh'. The Pack is a group of unity for the protection of what is important, our families and loved one's.”
I clap. ”Akito come here.” I state releasing a shadow clone.
”This clone is an example of what happens if members disobey their leaders in other organisations.” After finis.h.i.+ng this statement I release my Kagune and kill the clone. ”And this if why we are different, we care not for victory, power or even pedigree we show consideration, love and care to all members of the Pack and will always protect them, do you understand now?”
Startled by the finis.h.i.+ng speech and the sudden question Akito take a second before replying.
(Akito) ”Yes Omega.” before returning to his place.
I clap again. ”Now that's over time for what we're here for.”
I walk to the centre of the room ”Rise Brak Inuzuka.”
He slowly rises. ”You have shown worthy leaders.h.i.+p of the Pack in my clans time of crisis and taking this into consideration I have decided to raise your position in the Pack to Elder Blood.” After finis.h.i.+ng I gesture for him to approach me. He slowly walks toward my position with a solemn expression
”Speak Brak.”
(Brak) ”I appreciate you kind words Lord Omega, but I believe this rank is more suited for another.”
”Hmm and that person is?”
(Brak) ”I believe that person is Riko, Lord.”
”Indeed Riko is an incredible leader and a worthy Elder Blood as is Honeto but what you have forgot is one important thing both of them have for you which is respect. You don't need to feel bad about taking this position Brak as I'm sure if I offered it to them they would likely want it handed over to you, am I right?” I look between the two in question.
(Riko/Honeto) ”Correct Lord Omega.”
I nod to them before continuing ”Now come stand at my side as an adviser and prove that there faith isn't in vain.”
I then see him slowly walk in front of me before saying.
(Brak) ”I thank the Omega.”
After this I go through the other members promoting there ranks. These members are Sena Inuzuka - Full Blood to Mature Blood and Haruki Inuzuka - Partial Blood to Full Blood. After this we dismiss all of the members beneath Mature Blood before continuing the objectives for the day.
”Next order of business, expansion. We need to slowly expand our influence in Konoha, by three different ways. 1st We need to slowly convert civilians into Pup's and with that buy out businesses for them to run for us not only gaining money but also the support of the populous, this task will be a.s.signed to Kei Inuzuka and Chikafusa Inuzuka along with 3 New Blood that will be chosen by Elder Brak. 2nd We need to strengthen our connections in other clans in Konoha and allow some of them to join the Pack and whilst doing this expand our influence and combat strength as a unit, Elder Brak I will be a.s.signing you Riko and Honeto to this task along with 5 of our Chunin and the remaining New Blood. 3rd we need to recruit members of the different clans and organisation outside of Konoha and slowly migrate them across to Konoha, This task will be undertaken by Sena Inuzuka and Jota Hyuga along with the remaining Jonin and Elite Jonin. Any Questions?”
After this bout of information they all take a long time to recover. The first to do so though is Brak who asks.
(Brak) ”Omega if I may ask what clans inside and outside if Konohagakure would you like us to focus on?”
I show a satisfied smile before replying ”Great question Elder Brak, and to answer that for the clans inside Konohagakure I would like you to focus on the Nara and Yamanaka Clans and also try to gather member of the Saturobi Clan. As for the clans and organisations outside of Konohagakure I would like you to focus on the Iburi and Tsuchigumo Clans, for the Iburi Clan I have found a hint about there whereabouts and will give them to you in due time. I would also like you to try to recruit members from the Iwagakure and if possible there military. Also I would like you to recruit the Lightning Group members. Lastly I would like you to try and recruit a few missing-nin for the Pack aswell, these are Gantetsu of the s.h.i.+n.o.bazu, Raiga Kurosuki but be careful with him as he is unstable. Next is Zabuza Momochi whom is on the same level as Raiga so be careful. Anything else you would like to ask?”
(Riko) ”Lord what are we going to do about the Yuki and Branch Pack members?”
”This is a decision that is tougher to deal with. 'sigh'. Firstly we need to establish contact preferably with an Old Blood, but we can't have them move into Konoha as we need them to avoid the spotlight and become our hidden pieces. Other than that we will start sending them supplies and feeding them missions of there own to grow the skills of there lower rank s.h.i.+n.o.bi.”
I look around the room quietly before state. ”Your dismissed, Riko stay behind for a minute.”
(All) ”Yes Lord Omega.”
After they all leave I look to the back of the room.
”Tsume come out.”
I hear a gasp before a thud.
(Tsume) ”How'd you know?”
”Intuition and you fell for it.” I say with a smirk.
(Tsume) ”Hmph meany.” she says with a annoyed look on here face.
As the month has pa.s.sed I have spent a lot of time with Tsume, Hana and Kiba. Whilst spending time with them I have been slowly allowing them to open up to me.
”Now why were you spying? And when did you enter?”
She thinks for a second before stating.
(Tsume) ”All I heard was you explaining what s.h.i.+n.o.bi you need to start recruiting, and I've got to say your getting ahead of yourself thinking about going after 2 of the 7 Swordsmen of the Mist.”
”It should be fine for now as the 2 that I picked are the easiest to recruit as the rest are either still with Kiri or to Psychopathic to try to recruit.”
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I let my words sink on before continuing.
”Also at this moment in time Tsume I am the Omega an existence similar to the Hokage although our forces are weakened they would follow an unworthy Omega's word just because of his rank, first I need to gain the respect of the higher members with strategy and ambition? Along the weaker members by showing kindness and dominance. Understand now.”
I wait for her response, only to get a nod before continuing.
”As you can see Tsume I am not currently strong enough to confidently lead the Pack like the Hokage can this village, but showing off my high thinking abilities and forward thinking I can start to gain the respect of the members that could cause me problems.”
I look down and sigh before turning back to Riko.
”Riko I would like you to report to the Hokage asking permission to recruit members of his clan to the Pack and after that you will need to head out and establish contact with the others outside of Konoha. Dismissed.”
Nodding in agreement I see Riko flicker away. I turn to Tsume before continuing.
”You still haven't answered my question, why were you spying on me?” I say with a frown on my face.
(Tsume) ”Um.... I.”
”TSUME, answer me.”
(Tsume) ”I wanted to get to know more about your 'Packs' interactions so I can judge the validity of joining you in the future.”
We look at each other for a few seconds before I leave the room saying.
”See you in the morning.”
(Tsume) ”See you.” I hear as I get further away.
(The next morning at the academy)
I woke up early and arrived a the academy before everyone, well almost everyone as I see a black hair boy sleeping without a care in the world. See this I walk towards him to introduce myself.
”Hey I'm Rajen, nice to meet you.”
Hearing this wakes the boy from his slumber. Looking over he replies.
(?) ”s.h.i.+kamura Nara.”
”Hmmm Nara....” I think for a few seconds before asking. ”Wanna be friends?”
Surprised he states at me in confusion.
(s.h.i.+kamaru) ”Err sure.”
”Great so what do you want to do?”
(s.h.i.+kamaru) ”Sleep.”
”Hmm could be enjoyable.” and we sit here resting waiting for the other students to arrive.
(3 hours later)
I'm awoken by a loud crash, I look to see a blonde boy with whiskers (who I a.s.sume to be naruto) on the floor upside down.
I turn my head to s.h.i.+kamaru who had just awoken aswell.
”Hey who's that?”
(s.h.i.+kamaru) ”That is Naruto, he's the worst student in the cla.s.s.” he replies with little interest in his voice.
After this brief conversation I look pa.s.s the black haired boy to see a fat boy looking at me with a surprised look.
(?) ”s.h.i.+kamaru how are you speaking to this guy so easily.” he ask in an innocent way.
(s.h.i.+kamaru) ”We're friends.” he states like it's obvious.
Smiling because of this I ask.
”So what's your name tubby?” After this I change my smile to more of a cheaky grin.
Surprised by the sudden question he replies with his own smile.
(?) ”My name Choji nice to meet-cha.”
At this name my smile once again returns to normal before introducing myself.
”Rajen Inab.i.+.c.hi, Nice to meet you Choji.”
Though during these months I've done more research on the interesting characters I would like to directly recruit and the general important characters based around Konoha.'
”Hmm so that means you must be Ino Yamanaka right?” I stay after spinning around to look at the blonde girl behind me.
She has a brief moment of shock before answering.
(Ino) ”That's right, how do you know me though?”
”I've learn't a fair amount of the villages history so why wouldn't I figure out that next to a Nara would and a Akimichi their would be a Yamanaka?”
Before Ino could reply I hear a shout from behind.
(?) ”My name is Asuma Saturobi, I'm hear to collect Team 10.”
I return my gaze to the trio before saying.
”See-ya later guys, let's hang out later.”
(Team 10) ”Bye.” They say before walking out with there Jonin instructor.
After about 2 hours of waiting there are only 2 teams left and they are my team and Team 7.
The chemistry of the room is quite bad as Naruto is annoying the pink haired girl who ignores him. Luna and Sasuke ignore everyone else apart from Sasuke glaring at me and Kat is just sat in the corner of the room quietly observing.
Suddenly Sasuke stand still glaring, points and the coldly states to me.
(Sasuke) ”I don't understand how someone like you can get the Hokage's recommendation when someone of my status had to pa.s.s that stupid exam.”
I just look at him before leaning back on the seat ignoring him.
(Sasuke) ”Don't ignore me mongrel.”
Hearing these words my heart grows cold. I rise from my seat without opening my eyes again before reply.
”You should learn not to provoke people Sasuke because it might cost a princess like you more than you think.”
Opening my eyes after this statement I see rage on the black haired boys face.
I calmly watch the screaming boy before stating.
”This isn't acting.”
At this point the other people in the room decide to join in, first to speak is the girl Luna, Sasuke's sister.
(Luna) ”Sasuke stop it now, you were in the wrong.” She states with an embarra.s.sed look on her face.
Sasuke turns to look at his sister stund. At this point the pink haired girl Sakura speaks.
(Sakura) ”Luna how could you take that idiots side over my Sasuke's.”
Just as Luna was going to retort I cut her off saying.
”She hasn't taken my side, she can just see that he is being an egotistical child who is jealous of something he doesn't have.”
Looking back over at Sasuke, who's face is full of rage I continue.
”I understand that it was hard for you, loosing your family but you don't need to take that out on everybody else.”
At the end of that sentence a grey haired ninja walks in.
'Hmm Kakas.h.i.+ I presume.' I whisper to myself.
He looks around the room before giving me a quick glance then saying.
(Kakas.h.i.+) ”I'm the Jonin instructor for Team 7, please follow me outside.” and he then turns around and leaves the room.
'Hmm he seems to be interested in me.' I think before turning to Luna and bowing.
”I apologise.”
I see a look of surprise on her face before she replies.
(Luna) ”Why are you apologising?” she says with a panicked voice.
Looking directly into her eyes I say.
”I intentionally aggravated cause you to get involved.”
I see some understanding in her eyes before she states.
(Luna) ”It's fine he's the one at fault....”
I interrupt ”Actually Luna I was only apologising that you got involved not that it actually happened, I was trying to use this chance to teach him an important life lesson.” I sigh and look down before continuing ”he needs to learn consideration, he needs to learn to look above his own selfish emotions before the swallow he entirely.” After this I sit back down before closing my eyes.
(Another Hour Later)
I hear the door open an someone walk in.
(?) ”h.e.l.lo you three I'm Sorry I'm late I've had an important task that i had to complete before arriving here.”
'Wait... I know this voise' I open my eyes and see Honeto standing infront of us.
(Honeto) ”My name is Honeto Hyuga and I am to be your Jonin instructor for this year.”