9 The First Member (1/2)

Bai Shin Lin went to the Lou's Manor the next day. She was so excited and was humming on the way to his house.

Lou Ren was not shock upon the arrival of the Princess. Although he wouldn't expect it as soon as possible. When he learn that night that it was her, he didn't know what to think of her andthat the Prince is going easy on her.

”Sign a contract”it was the first thing she mentionupon entering. He pulled out the paper in her hands and reads it. The content is about how he would work for her as a member of her so called boygroup.

Bai Shin Lin didn't waste any seconds, handed over to him his contract. If he would refuse, she still has her upper hand.

As expected he hesitate.

” I know about a little thing about your family. Trust me, this will never known to the public unless you sign that contract.”

He was in awe with her statement. Surely he was blackmailing him. He just smile at her. Sip the remaining tea he had. He thought that it was what she sneak inside the Archives that night.

” I think there is nothing that this servant could do, Mylady has a lot of tricks on her sleeve just to make me sign it. However…” he look at her with eyes thatpenetrates over her body. It was a little intimidating. ”would you be able to bear the burden of keeping that information until you were dead?” she could feel her presence froze.

Then she hears a soft chuckle from him. ”Ofcourse I was only teasing Mylady… you've gone frozen a moment there”

Hmpp. She snorted at him. If he wasn't that attracting she would have thrown him the glass that she was holding. However, it was Lou Ren. She can't do anything that would damage the pretty face of her future talent.

”So are you signing it or not?” she was a little strict by now.

He pulled a wooden box under the table then put his seal on the piece of paper and handed to her. kyahhh!!! She made her first goal. She feels like she was in heaven. Lou Ren was his first band member.

”btw, might I know what's your ability?... well, in the future you will be working with me and I ought to know some background knowledge with my future talent right?”

”Mylady had research my family background however, didn't know my skill?”

”of course I wouldn't know. The book in the archives only states the family background, there are no skills written in the—” she pause when she remembered she was not supposed to tell him that.

Bai Shin Lin you really are an idiot!

She glace towards the man in front of him.

Strange. There was no reaction. But why? She just shrugged her shoulders. {maybe he didn't hear me} she told herself.

”Mind Reading, that was my ability”

Her jaw drop.

This kind of ability!

Has he been prying with her thoughts these past days?

Lou Ren looks at her in amusement. He senses her discomfort. ”Of course, that is only limited to a certain touch. I can't read them in a far range basis as well as if I don't touch them.” He secured her.

She ran a far distance from him and stare.

{are you really sure?} Bai Shin Lin was having her doubts about him. She look at him conspicuously.

”I'm not lying”