8 Midnight Escapade (1/2)
”Call Maomao here, quick!” as soon as she arrived at the Southwest Palace, she immediately call for her servant. The poor girl came rushing to her as soon as she heard that her lady's back.
”Maomao, do you know the story of 12 families?” when she hears her, Maomao rush over covering her mouth. ”Hush! Mylady. Someone might hear you!” she look over to the door securing that there's no one in there at that time. Then upon confirming that no one aside from them are left in the room she release her hands from her mouth. ”What is it?” Bai Shin Lin was a little shock by her sudden reaction.
”Mentioning that families, is taboo in the palace Mylady. You will be curse”
Bai Shin Lin was taken aback. It seems that this topic is extremely sensitive over the edge.
Maomao, sit right next to her. Her next words were soft spoken. Making sure that she's the only one who can hear it.
”Mylady, the twelve families that you're curious about, they were nobilities and high ranking officials that exists hundred years ago. Though that's what rumors said. The heavens adore them but the people fear their abilities. That's why the land was blessed and peaceful for a long time. But some events happens-jealousy among themselves. Some are not satisfied and want more. Although there is no record of how they ended hating each other, in the end a lone person stands up and win the battle. But no one knows what happened to him.”
”…and those twelve families who are they and their abilities?” Maomao shake her head. ”Even I don't know that part mylady, However, I know where the people in the Palace store's antiques and ancients books. The room is heavy guarded and is restricted to enter.”
Bai Shin Lin's eyes started to twinkle. A brilliant idea come to her mind. ”Then it's settle, tonight were gonna have a visit to this place!!!” She already declared.
”Mylady…” Maomao tugged her skirt and lean over near her ears. Then whispered ”I heard in the Palace maids that the palace has a special force that eradicates any signs of their appearance. But that's what some rumors I heard”
That night, in order to camouflage in the darkness and lessen the risk of getting caught she put black clothes with a mask. She instructed Maomao to get her the key of the room which she brought a little while ago. Even she didn't know how this servant acquire it. She admired it.
Like a ninja in action, she went ahead in full battle.
As expected there are guards in the entrance. She diverted their attention by serving Maomao as a decoy. When the guard saw her servant, he immediately leave his post just to chase her. Then she was able to enter. Thus, unlocking the door she went inside.
The room is filled with heavy dusts and cobwebs plus there are lots of books piling on the shelves. One by one, she scan those books. Those that were not related to her, she toss it on the side. She already spent almost an hour finding that thing however her luck is gone down.
On the middle of the room was a table. She went there to rest a little bit and what she saw- piles of books in there! Alas she saw what she was looking for. She pick up the most ruined book there. She flip to start reading it…
There is the account of 12 nobilities and high ranking officials there. However, the book didn't mention if they were the same families with unique gifts. Those names includes: