31 Searching (2/2)

Era Of Authority Gery_ 34220K 2022-07-22

As he was walking, he found out he had walked into the wrong street. Looking around he said,”d.a.m.n, why do I always get lost?”

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With that he turned around to leave but just as he walked one step a T-s.h.i.+rt fell down in front of him.

Seeing this he picked it up and inspected it closer.

”Oh a Hawaii s.h.i.+rt! It has some red color on it, but with a wash it will be as good as a new one. But where did it fell down?” asked from himself confusedly and looked up.


But when he did, he fell down on his b.u.t.t. Cold sweat formed in his forehead and he was shaking with fear all over his body.

”I-I-impossible!! W-why me? I didn't do anything wrong!!” whispered the man.

In front of him on the wall a 3 meter heigh creature was looking down on him without eyes and it's scary smile.

Slowly it descended with is black nails and when it landed it towerd above the man.

”Shhphh!! Fleeeeeessshhh!!! Sooo Gooood!!”

”Huh? I-It can speak?!!” shouted the man and tried to stand up and run away, but his body didn't want to listen to him.

The creature raised its hand and was about to slash down the man's head off his shoulder when something strange happened.

Between the man and the creature a man with black suit appeared out of nowhere. Of course it was Greg.

The creature seeing this, didn't hesitate and pushed it's nails toward Greg and the man, but a sword deflected it's attack.

Greg turned it's head to the side and with a deep voice said to the man,”Go, if you don't want to die!”

The man hearing this didn't hesitate and ran away with wet eyes.

Seeing that the man escaped Greg turned his gaze back to the creature and asked,”Can you speak normally?”

The creature didn't answer instantly, it just looked at Greg and his sword.

After a while later it stood up and said with a monotone yet clear voice,”Who are you and why do I feel a G.o.d's smell coming from you? And what is more important, what is that sword? It has a Monster's s**ty smell on it.”

Hearing this Greg got a bit suprised, but in the end asked,”I don't know what you mean under these smell things, but if you said sh**y Monster smell than it means you are a Demon, right?”

”Kehe-kehe! So you figured it out just out of that? Nice. But yeah...I'm a Demon. But it won't matter to you because you will die eventually!!” said the Demon and with it's nails it aimed towards Greg's heart and brain.

Seeing the fast attack Greg dodged to the side and with a waive motion made the scenery turn to white.

The Demon looked around and said,”Weak...It's too weak.”

Saying that it slashed with its 10 nails and to Greg's suprise it torn apart the whitness, making the scenery turn back to normal.

In that instant as this happened Greg coughed up some blood and asked,”H-how did you do that?”

The Demon answered with a mocking smile,”Kehe-Kehe! Your powers just to weak. I can easily see and identify the point which makes the scenery change. If I'm right, you are not in the first Realm yet!”

”Huh? H-how do you know about the Realms?” Asked Greg with suprise.

”Kehe-Kehe!! You stupid brat. Did you really think that just G.o.ds could have cultivation technique? We Demons and also those b.a.s.t.a.r.d Monsters have cultivations from Evil G.o.ds. But ours is a bit different from yours.” answered the Demon.

Greg stood up and after he wiped off the blood from his face he said,”Well then, it seems I won't have an easy job with you.”

”Kehe-Kehe!! No you won't have. But I'm sorry to say this, but you will die here.”

”And why?” asked Greg while looking at the Demon without emotions.

”Why, you ask? Because I'm already at the second realm. Not only did I broke through the first, I'm in the second!! Kekeke!!” Laughed the Demon.

Hearing this, Greg started to sweat a bit, but didn't run off. Instead he put up a fighting stance with his two swords.

Seeing that Greg was ready to fight the Demon smiled and said,”Kehe...Well then. I hope you are ready to die today.”

And after saying that the Demon jumped towards Greg with it's long, blade like nails, ready to tear Greg's body apart...
