Part 39 (1/2)

I returned her greeting with great apparent frankness and cordiality as I replied, ”Oh, I'm much better to-night, and as jolly as Mark Tapley.”

”Well,” e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.ed Mrs. Yocomb, ”thee _has_ stolen a march on us, but I'm afraid thee'll be the worse for it.”

”Ah, Mrs. Yocomb,” I laughed, ”your captive has escaped. I'm going to meeting with you to-morrow.”

”No, thee isn't. I feel as if I ought to take thee right back to thy room.”

”Mr. Yocomb,” I cried to the old gentleman, who now stood staring at me in the doorway, ”I appeal to you. Can't I stay down to supper?”

”How's this! how's this!” he exclaimed. ”We were going to give thee a grand ovation to-morrow, and mother had planned a dinner that might content an alderman.”

”Or a banker,” I thought, as I glanced at Mr. Hearn's ample waistcoat; but I leaned back in my chair and laughed heartily as I said:

”You cannot get me back to my room, Mrs. Yocomb, now that I know I've escaped an ovation. I'd rather have a toothache.”

”But does thee really feel strong enough?”

”Oh, yes; I never felt better in my life.”

”I don't know what to make of thee,” she said, with a puzzled look.

”No,” I replied; ”you little knew what a case I was when you took me in hand.”

”I'll stand up for thee, Friend Morton. Thee shall stay down to supper, and have what thee pleases. Thee may as well give in, mother; he's out from under thy thumb.”

”My dear sir, you talk as if you were out, too. I fear our mutiny may go too far. To-morrow is Sunday, Mrs. Yocomb, and I'll be as good as I know how all day, which, after all, is not promising much.”

”It must be very delightful to you to have secured such good friends,”

began Mr. Hearn, who perhaps felt that he had stood too long in the background. ”I congratulate you. At the same time, Mr. and Mrs.

Yocomb,” with a courtly bend toward them, ”I do not wonder at your feelings, for Emily has told me that Mr. Morton behaved very handsomely during that occasion of peril.”

”Did I?” I remarked, with a wry face. ”I was under the impression that I looked very ridiculous,” and I turned a quick, mischievous glance toward Miss Warren, who seemed well content to remain in the background.

”Yes,” she said, laughing, ”your appearance did not comport with your deeds.”

”I'm not so sure about that,” I replied, dryly. ”At any rate, I much prefer the present to reminiscences.”

”I trust that you will permit me, as one of the most interested parties, to thank you also,” began Mr. Hearn, impressively.

”No, indeed, sir,” I exclaimed, a little brusquely. ”Thanks do not agree with my const.i.tution at all.”

”Hurrah!” cried Reuben, looking in at the parlor window.

”Yes, here's the man to thank,” I resumed. ”Even after being struck by lightning he was equal to the emergency.”

”No, thee don't, Richard,” laughed Reuben. ”Thee needn't think thee's going to palm that thing off on me. We've all come to our senses now.”

For some reason Miss Warren laughed heartily, and then said to me, ”You look so well and genial to-night that I do begin to think it was some other tramp.”

”I fear I'm the same old tramp; for, as Reuben says, we have all come to our senses.”