Part 22 (1/2)
[72] The _Julius Exclusus_, an attack on Pope Julius II, who died 1513
Erasmus never directly denied his authorshi+p, and More speaks of a copy in Erasmus's hand (Allen 502)
[73] Beat Bild (1485-1547), whose family came from Rheinau near Schlettstadt, became MA, Paris, in 1505 He worked as a corrector at Henry Stephanus's press in Paris, with Schurer in Strasbourg, and from 1511 for fifteen years with Amerbach and Froben in Basle, where he edited and superintended the publication of numerous books
[74] Haecceity, 'thisness', 'individuality', tt of Scotistic philosophy, cf quiddity, 'essence'
[75] Ie the Literary Society of Strasbourg A letter survives, addressed to Erasmus in the name of this Society, dated 1 September 1514, in which occur all the names mentioned here, with the exception of Gerbel's
[76] A portrait drawing of Varnbuler by Albrecht Durer is in the Albertina, Vienna; Durer made also a woodcut from it
[77] Hermann, Count of Neuenahr (1492-1530), a pupil of Caesarius, hone on Greek and Hebrew, and beca his works is a letter in defence of Eras, 1519
[79] James Probst or Proost (Praepositus) of Ypres (1486-1562)
[80] Ulrich Hutten (1488-1523), the Gerht and huladiators are the subject, and not the artists, of a crude charcoal sketch)
[82] Sir Thoe of fifty was painted by Hans Holbein; it is now in the Frick Collection, New York Two portrait drawings of him by Holbein are in the Royal Library at Windsor Castle
See also p 236, note 4
[83] John More (1453?-1530), at this ti's Bench in 1523
[84] Jane Colt (_c_ 1487-1511)
[85] More's second daughter was Elizabeth; Alice was the nahter
[86] Alice Middleton
[87] A group portrait of Sir Thomas More with his entire family was painted by Hans Holbein about 1527-8 at More's house in Chelsea It was commissioned froinal has been lost; see Plate XXIX and p 260
[88] More was elected Under-Sheriff, 1510
[89] W Pirckhei law and Greek in Italy he settled at Nure Some of his works were illustrated by Durer
[90] Alexander Stewart (_c_ 1493-1513), natural son of James IV of Scotland, fell at Flodden Eras see p 247 f
[91] Durer s (now in Berlin and in Brunswick) and an engraving
[92] The Greek sculptor, _c_ 350 BC In a letter to Pirckheimer dated 8 January 1523-4 (Allen 1408, 29 n) Erasmus appears dissatisfied with the reverse of the medal cast by Metsys in 1519 Extant exaestions
[93] A drawing of Erasraving in 1526
[94] Erasmus had his portrait painted by Holbein several tiinals and copies are still extant