Part 125 (1/2)

”If you do no other good and great thing you will certainly work one tremendous miracle; you will rouse every lazy brain that gets a glimpse into these pages with such a dynamic force that a real desire may be kindled to Think--Think--Think--for itself.”

”I am delighted with the magazine. It is meaty, and stimulating.”

”The valuable readable material in it justifies the absence of any text on the part of the new minister. It will create free souls and that is the great work, for while a dead body is not pleasant to look upon, a dead soul is a thousand fold worse.”

”I enclose one year's subscription to it for my sister, to whom I am giving it as one of her Christmas presents. And I know she will enjoy The Forerunner as much as I do.”

”The magazines are very interesting and I wish you much success. I am particularly interested in the suffrage arguments.”

”I am charmed--thrilled with your strong trenchment work. You are one of the few who clearly see and forcibly express the fundamental difference between the old androcentric world and the new dawning age in which women and men co-operate in _world building._”

”I have been wanting and intending to congratulate you on your effort and result,--and to wish you everlasting success. It is unlike any of the present-day magazines in many ways.

Allow me to say it is most interesting, and Mr. H---- joins me in wis.h.i.+ng for this publication a most brilliant future.”

”Enclosed find $1.00, for which please send The Forerunner, your fine crisp magazine.”

”I see your _think marks_ on many an article written by both men and women, and I know they have read your books.”

”I want ten copies of the January Forerunner. I think it is particularly good and the article on suffrage--or 'The Humanness of Women,' one of the very best things I ever read on the subject.”

”The Forerunner is a great success! I like it all, and it is not disappointing in any respect in spite of the fact that I have been getting more impatient to see it each month since I subscribed for it.”

”Please send The Forerunner to me at ----- -----. It does good digging--loosens up the soil nicely.”

”I have enjoyed The Forerunner very much. I feel that I am getting more than my money's worth; so to help the cause along I am sending you herewith a few names of progressive friends, who will, I think, become subscribers, and help in turn.”



The Common Cause