Part 124 (1/2)
”Indeed I am more than delighted to have an opportunity to communicate regularly with you through The Forerunner, and I shall be very proud to be numbered among the charter subscribers.”
”Herewith I send $1.00 for my subscription, with all manner of good wishes for your magazine. Our family has enjoyed every line.”
”I laid my copy on her dish, and she was so pleased with it that she came to me with her dollar shortly afterwards.”
”I enclose $1.00 for a year's subscription. I found The Forerunner most interesting, and shall look forward to it every month.”
”The magazine is 'bully.' It even exceeds all my expectations, high as these were. There are so many good points about the Forerunner that I hope to come down soon with my husband to congratulate you in person.”
”I have received the first number of your magazine, and am more than pleased with it. The first article was splendid--and ought to be read before every circle of mothers belonging to the Mothers Congress.”
Enclosed find two subscriptions to The Forerunner. I am making Christmas gifts to my friends of your interesting and stimulating periodical.”
”I think The Forerunner foreruns a lot of good things. It is strong, interesting, fearless, yet kindly, genial--I like it.”
”The magazine is unique and distinctly 'Gilmanesque,' which is a sufficient recommendation to me.”
”I am constantly surprised at your originality and versatility, and knowledge of human nature.”
”Of course I have _got to have_ The Forerunner! And I shall read every word of every issue. So will everybody else. But what makes you so lazy? _Why don't you set the type?”_
”Your magazine has more real common sense to the square inch than any I have ever seen. I enclose subscription for one year, beginning with the first number.”
”I think a very great deal of this publication and shall try to have a complete file of it on hand to use for reference. I know of nothing better in the whole field of the 'Woman Question.'”
”I am just 'stuck' on that article 'Why we honestly fear Socialism,' in December Forerunner, and think it one of the best things to circulate for propaganda work that I have yet seen.”