Zunnie sat with her legs crossed facing the patient laying on the comfy couch. She was busy taking notes as she asked him questions. This happened to be his third session and she had not gotten a word from him. His eyes were always shut tight when he laid down. Seeing him like this she wrote,

”...lack of sleep, again. Patient appears tired and keeps his eyes shut during the session.”

He had vowed silence and hadn't uttered a word in two months. It began after his father remarried. His parents had been divorced for a year now, but he was still upset. His mom had been having a difficult time and decided to bring him to her for counseling.

Zunnie really wanted to help him. Based on the information his mother and father gave her, it seemed as if his vow of silence was caused by the unwanted changes that had been happening in his family. She knew it would take her a while to treat him because he was refusing to speak. She smiled and looked up from the chart she had been reading.

”So tell me, how was school today.”

There was no reply.

”How about this. Every time I️ ask a question, you give me a thumbs up for yes or good, and a thumbs down for no or bad. Does that sound good? So, how was school?”

He hesitated then slowly raised his thumbs up to say it was good. Zunnie smiled.

”That's good.”

”Did you speak with your friends?”

There was a long pause before he made a thumbs down gesture.

This continued until the session ended. Even though it was little progress Zunnie was glad he had not ignored her completely like the first session.

As she walked him to his mother who had been waiting in the lounge, she patted his back and praised him for doing a good job in today's session. He flinched when she touched him. Zunnie quickly pulled her hand back and acted as if she had not seen it.

”I️ will see you on Wednesday. Don't forget to use the thumb signals when you don't want to speak. Okay?”

When they left, she walked back to her office and added to the notes she had been taking. She sighed as she flipped through his chart. Zunnie already guessed what the issue seemed to be, but she wanted him to speak to her first before she could ask.

She was busy reading through files and taking notes when she heard a knock on the door.


”Dr. Bai you have a visitor.” Her secretary walked up to where she sat.