23 Precious Gems (2/2)
”Asrael, this is your last chance.”
”I still refuse.”
Arius quickly walked in the direction of Zuna. ”Then bare the the wrath of Zuna!” He laughed while he suddenly picked the girl up bridal style and made his way towards Asrael. Zuna was not at all happy with what was currently happening.
As Arius was almost a foot away, Asrael crashed through the floor. Arius hurried to a stop before he and Zuna also went crashing down through the hole in the floor.
Without putting Zuna down, Arius leaned over the hole and looked down at Asrael. Heh. He could see Asrael's body morphing back into a healthy state from two stories down, his eyes remained blinking with a glare, indicating that he was alive.
”Screw you!” Asrael screamed up at Arius.
”No thanks, I don't swing that way!” Arius still had yet to put Zuna down.
”Put me down!” She was clearly irritated.
”Not yet.” Arius tightened his grip before jumping down into the hole. He didn't land on Asrael of course, he spread his legs so that he stood with a foot on each side of the young man. Little did he know, Asrael took the chance to lift his leg upward, colliding with Arius's precious gems.
”Ha!” Asrael laughed.
”You...” Arius quickly moved to the side slightly hunched over, putting Zuna down, then leaning against the wall for support. ”Dante was right about you! You're going to get punished when we get home.”
”What do you mean, 'we get home'?!”
”It's as I said, you're coming home with us, and you're joining the bunny gang!” Arius claimed.
”You're delusional!”
”If I am, I'll still make it a reality!” Arius stepped forward despite the pain and threw Asrael over his shoulder to carry him. Of course, his pain tolerance was not to be underestimated.
”Put me down!” Asrael protested.
”Nope.” It was now that Arius paid attention to his surroundings, there was a fridge and a table, he didn't see any doors or stairs.
This seemed to be the lowest level of the basement. ”How do we get out?”
Zuna smiled. ”I bet there is a secret passage!”
Arius nodded.
”The cabinet.” Asrael roll his eyes, he really just wanted to get out of there so that he could at least have the chance to run off.