23 Precious Gems (1/2)

It didn't take long for him to wake up, since he didn't want to take long. He woke to the sight of Zuna and Dante watching him. His eyes focused on Zuna, his gaze moving to her pink lips... Wait! What was he thinking? He shook the thoughts out of his head, then moved to stand.

”Where did the guy go?” Arius saw the three dead bodies, the women under the pieces of ceiling and then the two from that group of three.

”He ran off. We haven't heard anyone coming this way since you died.” Eirik answered. Arius nodded in acknowledgment.

”So you can really die and come back to life?” Zuna hopped in front of Arius. She seemed Intrigued.

”Yep, sure can.” Arius nodded.

”Hm, I can only heal my wounds, but it doesn't even heal scars.” She sighed.

”That's why you should be more careful.” Eirik cautioned.

Dante followed at the back as they walked through the gangs hideout. It had been a year since he last saw his brother. He wasn't excited to see him again.

The group stopped when they heard the foot steps of a single person. ”You dare intrude on my kingdom?”

What? Kingdom? Arius looked at Dante, who seemed to recognize the voice. The bunny gang all had their gazes turned towards where the hallway changed direction.

A young man turned the corner, he was about seven feet away from them. He was wearing all black, and for some reason, he had on a black crown. His extremely blonde hair and light blue eyes didn't distract from his sinister smile. Only, his expression grew colder upon the sight of Dante. Cold? Perhaps disappointed, or even distant was what it was?

Asrael didn't look how Arius expected him too, but he wasn't too surprised. He resembled an emo teen, or that's just exactly what he was.

”Durante.” He looked to be about fifteen, but if Dante was 673, how old was he? ”Where have you been?”

It felt weird to Arius, seeing Dante in a bunny onesie glare at someone. It still looked cute, but it made him sad.

”It's not like you actually care.” Dante answered his brother.

”Of course I don't care, but I'd like to know.” Okay, the way Asrael talked to his brother was starting to piss Arius off.

”Rude!” Zuna got to it before Arius could.

”Rude? If I'm not mistaken, it was you who barged in and killed my people.” Asrael said humorously.

”He has a point.” Eirik concluded.

”It doesn't matter!” Arius did not want to take any blame for his actions. ”Arsael, you need to come with us.”

”No.” The boy stood in silence.