41 Does he have kids? (1/2)
4 Years Later.....
Eric expanded his business to Asia. He bought shares in Tangxin Group recently and he will have to go to Beijing soon to greet the people behind the successful business.
Ji An had finally graduated, earning her a Master's Degree in Psychology.
Alice is planning to continue studying to earn a Ph.D. in Psychology which means she has to study and stay there in Oxfordshire for 3 more years.
Sofia is now 5 years old and she's in year 1. She's quite a clever girl and very approachable. Every Friday, she will bring home all kinds of certificate from school. Ji An is so proud of her daughter. She can't help to think that her father must be a smart man. After all, she is not really good with her maths, while Sofia is really good at it. On top of that, he must be handsome! Sofia is really cute, you can't resist her charms, her smiles and when she talks, she's very confident even at her age. She is a well behave little madam. Even though Eric spoils her a lot, she knows that her mummy will not like it if she is to demand to her daddy.
She will have to ask her mummy first if it's okay to ask her daddy for things. Something she can't really understand why she must do it that way. But being a good daughter, she obeys her mummy.
Ji An and Sofia moved back to their penthouse apartment in Water Lane, London. Eric is so happy that they will finally be together all the time. Though Eric and Ji An became friends after what happened 4 years ago, she is still cautious of him. Ji An had told him they cannot sleep in the same bed. He must sleep in the other room at night. She had also told him that she will be telling her daughter the truth soon. Eric didn't argue about it. He knows Ji An knows what she's doing.
They had their divorce 3 years ago. Alice and their parents don't know that they had divorced. But soon everything will come out in the open.
Ji An inherits half of Eric's money and properties after their divorce. The penthouse is in her name and so as the house in Oxfordshire, where Alice is now living on her own, those are just gifts from Eric. Apart from that, half of everything Eric's have gone to Ji An. Now, however, Eric has doubled everything, he is such a good businessman.
As he is planning to travel to Beijing, he asks Ji An if she wants to tag along. Since her mother is there, she might want to see her. Plus she already finished Uni, so she can travel and stay there for quite a bit if she wants to.
”Hey Ji, I'm going to Beijing next month, do you want to come with me?” Eric asked.
”Hmm... But Sofia is studying. How long are you gonna be there for?”
”Well, I'm there for business. So, a week maybe..?But if you want to go, I mean, I only thought you will want to see your mum. Maybe she should see Sofia too. If you want to stay there for like a month just take her off school. Or if you want to extend your stay, enrol her there. Bond with your mother. It's up to you, really.” Eric explained.
”I'll think about it. Thank you!”