61 Big Figh (2/2)

”Oh! Yeah, you can call Shen Rui and make her more miserable.” Jiang Wui suggested.

Shen Ya raised her eyebrows confused.

Jiang Wui chuckled at her cute expression, ”With your poisonous tongue. I am sure you can definitely make him angry.”

Shen Ya glared and left the villa.

”It's a long way Jiang Wui.” He encouraged himself.

Zhen Xiu was thinking on her next plan. How will she torment her dear mother in law? After all, the proof she has now is not enough to send her for a long time in prison. She needs a good plan to subdue her and punish her.

Thinking about these things she changed in her formal dress and made her hair.

Lu Jian was ready to go. ”Let's go. We are getting late.”

”Yeah!” Zhen Xiu agreed.

”Lu Jian, when is grandpa coming back from the island?” She asked.

The trio was in the car and Zhen Xiu was thinking about her next step. She remembered that just after their marriage he went away on his private island and never returned back.

”I don't know.” Lu Jian answered.

The old man was very stubborn and free minded. He would never inform anything about him beforehand. He likes to shock people with strange ideas and after his wedding, he left. This was mostly because of their fight and his refusal to marry Zhen Xiu.

Now he was grateful to that old man who was wise enough to get them married.

”That old man never tells us anything.” Jiang Wui commented. ”Just like your marriage.”

”Hmm, let's call him back.” Zhen Xiu suggested.

”Call him back. Will he listen to us? He is way too stubborn.” Jiang Wui informed her.

Lu Jian nodded in understanding. ”En.”

Zhen Xiu has a terrible idea in her head. ”I think you should apologize and ask him to come back Lu Jian. He left the manor because of your big fight so I think he will listen to you if you ask him to come back.” Zhen Xiu suggested.

”In this way, your mother will not create much trouble for us. He is the best solution to stop her from doing silly things.”

Jiang Wui and Lu Jian pondered for a while and indeed it was a good idea to tame Mother Lu but the question was will that old man come back even if Lu Jian apologized?

This was a big hurdle in their plan.

The old man was too stubborn that nothing could shake him other than his strange ideas.

Zhen Xiu saw through their worries in a glance and thought about it and suddenly a weird idea came into her mind.

”Why not use those strange tactics on him?” Zhen Xiu laughed her crazy evil laugh. ”HA.HA.HA.”

Lu Jian was worried about his wife. Sometimes her behavior is way too strange for him to understand; just like this loud laugh.

”Why are you laughing like crazy Xiao Xi?” Jiang Wui questioned.

Lu Jian was also about to ask her the same thing before Jiang Wui asked her.

”I have a new idea, a weird idea, I am pregnant.” Zhen Xiu smirked evilly.