36 Chapter 36 (1/2)

Wear LeoFraust 60380K 2022-07-22

Next week, on Monday of January 13th 2020, the teachers were gathered by Ryan. He wanted to speak with all of them early in the morning, before it was time for them to start their homeroom classes. He explained the bill, the purpose of the bill, and how the teachers were to ask the students for participation. ”Absolutely not” one of the teachers, John Greyomir said. ”It's our responsibility to handle and cater to our student's futures. If the school shuts down, it's because it was our own inability to do exactly that. It's not their responsibility to cover for us”.

”And you, Quincy?” Rose asks. ”You had aspirations of leading this school. Surely you must want to support the bill as well”.

”Actually... I'm with John on this one” Quincy says.

”I'm disappointed” Refus says. ”I really am, Quincy. Disappointed, but not surprised”.

”And what does that mean exactly?” Quincy scoffs.

”It means, you've been unreliable since I've started working here” Refus says.

”You're the cause of all of this!” Quincy shouts. ”If it weren't for... you, and the unstable laibah community, there would be no issue!”.

”So you're saying that you're so inefficient, that you can't compensate for such a small issue as diversity?” Refus asks. ”Ridiculous. You always talked highly of your position of this school, but when it comes down to it, you're nothing... aren't you?”.

”What'd you say?” Quincy asks.

”I said” Refus speaks up, ”you're inefficient, ridiculous and you're nothing. You're undependable, and lack proper standing on the matter due to your inefficiency”.

”Why, I'll show you inefficient, you little piece of-” Quincy says.

”I'm up for it” Jeff interrupts. ”I'll do it. The bill, the support... all of it”.

”Well, at least there's one of you...” Rose says.

”It's just-” Jeff says, ”it's no longer us versus each other, or us versus the board of education anymore. Currently, it's us, the staff and student body alike, against the whole world in a manner of speaking. We're setting out to change the world, and whether it be a good change or not can't be based on simple views or opinions of the matter. The only way we'll know for sure what the right choice would've been, is to see the change in action. Think about it for a second guys...”. Jeff stands up and continues to give his speech. ”What we're trying to do has not succeeded in this world yet. We can be the first to pull this off! These aren't just simple kids we work with either, these are college students!They're adults who will be thrown into the world soon, on their own! What direction the world should take in terms of change should be their decision, not ours! Give them the chance to speak up, rather than trying to use your... social rank, point of views, your origins, your... anything as an excuse. This is our battle, but their victory to claim! Whether you like it or not, we just... can't win. The next best thing is to let them choose this path. What we can do, is give them the options, help them with whatever their decision may be, and get over this issue rather than to blow it up. Isn't that what it means to be a teacher; to prepare the next generation for the open world, put them on their feet, and help them have a fighting chance?”.

Ryan walks up to Jeff and puts a hand on his shoulder. Ryan then looks up at the rest of the teachers and says ”I'm not asking you to give your support, nor am I telling these students they have to give their support either. What I want is to give them the choice to help. It's not mandatory, nor will any of us be allowed to look down upon the students for whichever choice they make. Have I made that clear?”.

”Yes sir...” Quincy says.

”Yes, Principal Schafold” John says.

”Then let's get prepared for the first classes today” Ryan says. ”You're dismissed”.

”Good morning, class” Refus says as he enters the room. ”We have something very important to talk about today. Today, I need to inform the school about... recent situations with the school. First and foremost, this school is in danger of closing down after this school year”.

Most of the class started to murmur to each other about what was the cause of this issue. ”Wait, that can't happen!” Emma says. ”What're we gonna do about college? I can't make it at any other school! This was my only option! A-and what about a... home?”.

”Quiet down” Refus tells the class. ”There's more. Before you ask, no, it is not because of the laibah students. It's not their fault, but rather, it is a decision made by the school board. Funding is low, and the students leaving last semester put this school in the spotlight. However, as the board sees it, they want to blame the laibah community for this issue at hand after all. The actual purpose of this, is due to the views from the people who run the board. The education system is hosted from the inner city, and they fear the idea of allowing laibah into cities. To counter this, Principal Schafold has proposed a bill. This bill makes prejudice between the two races an offense punishable by law. Yes, that means discriminating against the laibah would be punishable, but it'll also work in the reverse. Laibah will not be allowed to enact crimes against humans, and vice versa. Laibah can get more jobs and help the humans, humans can still choose to live in areas that lack laibah presence. The effect this will have is, the school board will no longer be allowed to use their excuse to shut down the school, and you all may continue your education here at Harrison University. Recently, not only has the bill has been gaining support, but it's also been gaining funding for the school. We have the funding to keep the school open, so now we the teachers would like to ask you students to support it as well. However, whether you choose to support this bill or not, there will be no consequences for your choice. I have papers for signatures right here, so if you choose to support, all you have to do is simply sign your name”.

The class was still for a minute or two. At first, it appeared as everyone was too nervous about making a choice, and worried about what the rest of the class would think of them. Suddenly, the sound of a chair sliding across the linoleum floor rang through the classroom. The class turned to watch a single man walk across the classroom, as he slowly picks up a pen and signs his name. ”J-Jackson?” Aeris asks.

”Figures the laibah would be the first to-” Marcus begins to say before he's interrupted by the sound of another student standing up.

”I didn't think you'd beat me to it” Wyatt says.

”I did say I was going to fix what I did” Jackson says. ”Consider it another apology”.

Suddenly, Emma and Jessica stand up. Then Emily, then Aeris, and a few other students from the back of the room who previously avoided The Rejects. Slowly, more than half of the class stood up to sign their names. ”If everyone else is doing it” a girl in their class says as she stands up, ”then there's no harm in me doing it too”.

”Yeah” a boy says as he stands, ”it's not like it's a bad thing. I can't afford to move anyways”.

”We can always move to the inner city if things go wrong” another boy says.

Eventually, Marcus looks around nervously, then stands up. ”Screw it” He says, ”I can't afford to switch schools either”.

”Even you're helping out?” Jackson asks with a laugh. ”That's unexpected”.

”You owe me for this” Marcus says. ”If it weren't for you, then-”.

”I know, I get it” Jackson says. ”If it weren't for me, your friends wouldn't have had to move and switch schools. I messed up, and I ruined a lot of things for you and for my friends”. Jackson then extends his hand out to Marcus and says ”I'm sorry. I was wrong...”.

Marcus turns away without shaking Jackson's hand and says ”I don't need your pity. What I need is my shot at life”.

”We all do...” Emma says as she approaches. ”Isn't that why we're here?”.

”Tch- don't try to comfort me with your common sense, midget” Marcus says.

Marcus then walks away from them, and goes to sign his name. ”M-midget!?” Emma says. ”I-I'm not... that short! I'm not much shorter than the rest of you! Why does everyone have to be so rude about my height!?”.

”Jackson...” Aeris asks in a low voice as she approaches, ”you're trying harder to help than you're letting on, aren't you?”.

”I promised, didn't I?” Jackson asks. ”Besides, I'll need to talk to you later... think you can make the time?”.

”W-why?” Aeris asks.

”It's nothing that serious, calm down” Jackson says. ”I just need to talk... that's all”.

”Alright” Aeris says. ”But no funny business”.

”What the hell is that supposed to mean?” Jackson asks.

During lunch period, Jackson and Aeris went to talk privately. As The Rejects gathered in their usual spot, Jackson explained ”I just wanted to say... I haven't put any thought about getting back together, so that's not what this is about. I just... it feels harder to talk to you lately, or be around you. Like things are still... awkward between us. I just wanted to clear the air with you and try to show you that, even though I know I've been an ass, I really do wish things could go back to the way they were before”.

”The way they were before, huh?” Aeris says to herself. ”Does that mean you want me to bring back that notebook and the tally mark thing as well?”.

”What? No!” Jackson shouts.

Aeris laughs and says ”I'm sorry... I'm not good at handling serious moments either. Truth is... it has been rather hard to just... talk like how we used to. Even with relationship shit aside, I think it'd be better if we at least try to go back to the way things were, Jackson. Maybe not start over, but... do what we used to, while also... maturing from what happened”.

”Yeah, that's exactly it!” Jackson says.

”But no tongue...” Aeris says.

”I- wait, what?” Jackson asks.